Suicide & Self Harm

Articles and Help with suicidal thoughts and self harm urges – coping strategies and ways to stay safe.


Why am I such a fuck up?


Why am I such a fuck up?   Why does everything I touch turn to shit? Why is everything always like this? Why can’t I be normal like everyone else?   Photo courtesy of Freepik   If you are asking these questions, you are not alone. Many folks feel the…

A Face to Die for – Acne and Suicide


A Face to Die For? How do you take it if somebody says they want to kill themselves because of their acne? When thinking about the contributing factors to suicide a lay person’s fast list might look like- divorce or break up, financial problems, drug abuse, chronic depression, grief over…

Making Tomorrow Better by Doing Something Today


I have had a question at the bottom of my signature on the forum for a few years now. I have a lot of people tell me they like the “quote” – though it is not actually a quote- is just a question I ask myself and have asked many…

I Hate Myself and Want the Pain to End


All the advice, everywhere, about abusive relationships tell you to get out – to leave – to stop the monster that is hurting you. But what do you do when the person making your life unbearable, the person that is making you desperately want to die to make it stop,…

I Hate My Life – Is Suicide the Answer?


I hate my life – there is nothing good, everything sucks and even if something good happened, something else bad will happen and makes it all shit again. I am sick of life sucking and just want to die. Life is so pointless anyway- we all die eventually, why not…

Change your Life – Fighting Depression


Nothing ever changes until something changes.  It seems like such a simple statement that it almost does not even make sense. It is so obvious it does not even really even reach full cliché status, much less the lofty heights of being a proverb. On its best day it might…

I Want to Kill Myself


So… you have reached an unenviable point in your life where you would like to take your own life. Perhaps you have been there many times, but today is just more intense that you have ever felt before. All you feel is pain and anxiety. Despair and hopelessness consume you……

Making Suicide Look Like an Accident


What is it like to want to commit suicide? To want to die in a horrible accident rather than face another day? What do you do when it hurts so much to be alive that you would rather not wake up ever again than face another day? You think about…

Painless Suicide Methods – Pain Free Death


Is there a pain free death? Are there any painless suicide methods? Most people find SF when the pain is so bad that they can’t take it any more. That is how I found SF. If you are here, reading this, the chances are you are so tired of hurting, so…

Suicidal Ideation – How Do You Cope?


“What do you do when suicidal ideations are too much?” This type of question is fairly commonplace in the community from people looking for answers on how to cope and make life more bearable. While it may be common on the SF Forum, it is not the type of question…