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  1. st_91

    antidepressant change

    Ok. So I've been on sertraline for around 10 months. Went up to 150mg. Now they want me off them as not doing well, anything really. So going to start fluoxetine soon. Tapering down the sertraline, on 100mg so far. Feel ehh. This is thrid day on lower dose. Had headache yesterday and slight...
  2. Deetabs

    Celexa reviews

    hello, I started taking Celexa 2 days ago. Day 1 was fine, I didn’t notice any changes. Day 2 was a different story. I had so much nervous energy/anxiety. I was literally rubbing my hands together and tapping on my desk, the steering wheel, pretty much just bouncing around most of the day. I...
  3. Arwen

    Gone away for 12 days and forgot my antidepressants O_o

    I've been taking citalopram for about 2 months, and went away a few days ago and completely forgot to take it with me. I left on Friday, so i haven't taken it for 6 days now, and aren't going home until next week. I had been starting to feel better since starting anti-depressants, but now feel...
  4. Arwen

    Is it a bad idea to start taking anti-depressants right before exams?

    Specifically citalopram. Anyone have any experience similar to this? Do you think it will make it harder to revise and concentrate? Or maybe easier? I don't know what to do :(:confused: I've recently been diagnosed with depression, and have been encouraged to start taking citalopram straight...