• Xenforo forums over the past few months have been seeing spam posts from existing user accounts. Bots hitting forums using lists of emails/passwords leaked elsewhere. We strongly recommend that all users change their password ASAP.


  1. NotFeelingWell

    What is the point, really?

    I'd like to unload a bit, if that's okay. I'm about 2.5 years into a depression that feels like it's just taken over my life. It sucks to put it mildly. I'm nearing my 40's and on the outside, have a good thing going on. Married with 2 kids, nice house, good job etc etc. It's on the...
  2. Dante

    Best options/medication for anxiety?

    I am stuck living with someone so passively toxic that anyone he decides to be proper friends with ends up anxious, depressed or suicidal or in some cases, all 3. Now he doesnt realise he is doing this and due to what I can only figure is rather severe undiagnosed aspergers, explaining it...
  3. imalone

    My head is caving in and I'm about to break

    I am always stressed and worried about everything. Even the smallest insignificant things like: answering questions in class or where I'm going to sit for an assembly. Whenever I complete or get through what I was worrying about I just find something else to worry about and dwell on. It never...
  4. Grey_Matter_85

    -The means to end suffering are within you-

    “You are the universe” The means to end suffering are within you... Through Mindfulness, Self-Awareness, Self-Care, and Acceptance comes Perspective and Harmony. Learn to stay in the present moment (don't run or hide from the pain). Immerse yourself in the feelings you'd rather avoid all...
  5. undercoverlover

    thinking i need medication again

    a while back i was on a lot of medication. i was admitted to the hospital for tachycardia and confusion and the doctors thought it was seratonin syndrome from the high doses of latuda and lexapro. my bloodwork was normal, but we found that with the combined extreme anxiety i was dealing with...