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bad dreams

  1. k4waii.ari

    why am i having dreams about suicide?

    hi all, i just wanted to see if anyone knows has any idea whats going on. I have been having a lot of nightmares, and i even got on medication for it. but its not really helping. Ive been having recent dreams of people around me commiting suicide. i had a dream last night that I was trying to...
  2. YikesImSad

    Practical Advice I am a sick person?(weird dreams)

    I am a 19 yo, girl and a virgin. I have weird dreams all the time, that's why when i wake up i usually make a effort to not remember my dreams because they make me feel bad, but sometimes they are too shocking to me so i wake up thinking only about that, that was the case today. See sometimes i...
  3. darkdaisy

    bad dreams: experiences? thoughts?

    so i’ve started to notice recently since mid june that i have been having bad dreams, and even some nightmares. and i am one to NEVER have bad dreams or nightmares. they have been about me getting bullied and being forced to move to a different town. they have also been about ex friends and ex...