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  1. LynxStars

    Empathy Only SF saved me once, I hope it can save me again =]

    I had depression for 5 years... 2 years ago was my lowest point of my life. I attempted suicide twice but failed. I was doing nothing every day, just skipping classes, drinking alcohol and sleeping... Then, I found SF and started chatting with ppl online. I like this feeling... I want to be...
  2. A


    Has anyone on here had experience being in a relationship with a real life yandere? For those who don't know "Yandere" is derived from the Japanese words yanderu, meaning insane or sick, and deredere, meaning affectionate or loving. Simply put, a yandere is someone who is lovesick; someone who...
  3. R

    NEED GIRL OPINION please..

    what actions can a man do to get his girlfriend to even consider trusting him even a tiny bit after he cheats?? Besides obvious once.. I have failed my princess and she might give me a tiny chance to change her opinion. Please help :(
  4. Snake on the Moon

    Pushing people away, because I'm not a counsellor

    When shit hits the fan it's easier for me to just throw people out of my life. I know this isn't proper, but I don't know what else to do. I really need support in my life right now, and I'm sick of others throwing their problems on top of mine. I can barely manage the weight of my own...
  5. T

    Boyfriend is leaving me and I don't know what to do

    I thought we were in love and we'd be together forever and all that crap but he's come out of nowhere and said he's not happy and it's completely destroyed me. He says he loves me still. I cried and begged and now we are having a week break for us both to think then we are going to talk about...
  6. piippu

    My boyfriend is depressed and wants to die

    Hello, i'm in a situation where me and bf are both depressed and suicidal, we feel sometimes okay but mostly bad. when he is feeling bad he drinks and smokes a lot. we live in different countries, he is in poland. when he gets bad i try to be as supportive and understanding as i can, he...
  7. Winnie123

    Her boyfriend hurt me

    The other day my friend's boyfriend was getting really controlling towards her while I had ppl over at my place. He would scream in her face and grab her to drag her home. I got in-between them all night so he grabbed me and shoved me to the point where I have bruises. We struggled to the door...
  8. alisonsayre13

    Stupid problem

    A while ago my boyfriend and I broke up, but up until recently it's bee ok because we're best friends. These past few weeks though he's been pulling away and doing things that aren't like him. He's been smoking and drinking and going to parties, even though he's a serious athlete. Then he asked...