• Xenforo forums over the past few months have been seeing spam posts from existing user accounts. Bots hitting forums using lists of emails/passwords leaked elsewhere. We strongly recommend that all users change their password ASAP.


  1. Dante

    Jim's Cafe 22nd November

    Welcome one and all to Jim's Café, the sanctuary for the long suffering sane from the madness of the modern world. My cafe on the 19th was my first in a while, so here is another one! *stars Merry Monday my marvellous and miraculous men and madams! May merriment mark your mornings and your...
  2. Dante

    Jim's Cafe - 19th November

    Welcome one and all to Jim's Café, the sanctuary for the long suffering sane from the madness of the modern world. Hello you beautiful people. Yes if you are reading this I mean you. It has been too long since I hijacked this particular corner of the forum, and too many days since a Cafe has...
  3. Dante

    Jims Cafe - 31 August

    Welcome one and all to Jim's Café, the sanctuary for the long suffering sane from the madness of the modern world. Hi all, I havent done a Jim's Cafe in while as my PC is in pieces, but its been like that for over a month, so I thought "screw it" and made this cafe, luckily I was able to...
  4. Rockclimbinggirl

    Tea or coffee?

    So do you like tea, coffee or both? Herbal or caffeinated tea? Coffee, lattes or espressos? I personally like herbal teas a lot, mainly peppermint and rooibos. I don't really like coffee, well only frappucino's and mochas.