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  1. neutralbuoyancy

    poem - another musing, another passing, but here we are again

    Let it be known, Wide and far, Time is a test of fate, and dissolve, all not, water may be a solvent, not a solution, testing fate, testing fate, will always test true, a true testament of will, sheer strength, determination, will, your bet of life. Death, death, death. Death is no test, death...
  2. SonjaRot

    Embrace the shadows

    I have always found it hard to balance these concepts. I always jump from sticky new age thinking to harsh and infernal thoughts. So it goes something like this. To be in harmony you must be positive and think positive thoughts and so on... white light and whatever hippies believe in...
  3. SonjaRot

    A view on the dark side of the collective.

    It's funny how we, the depressed, are the ones who are "sick"... ... Shadow hour. A motherless child, an orphan of the galaxy - the collective soul, humanity... People feeling lost and confused. People hurting. A hungry void, a vermin within chants of fears and lies... false beliefs. What can...