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  1. M

    Why can’t I get over this guilt?

    I did a terrible thing to my half sister when I was only twelve. I hurt her and I feel like I don’t deserve to be forgiven. Despite that she has forgiven me after I apologized to her almost seven years later. We’ve started to rebuild a healthy relationship with each other and she expressed to me...
  2. gray_now


    Hi :) I had this idea and I thought it might be nice to try it out. Okay, how lifeline works is that you send a message to the last person to post in the thread (the post can be about how your feeling) so that you can check on them and make sure that they’re not doing anything harmful. The...
  3. Insecuritykills

    Practical Advice Getting over it or...?

    I'm back again after a while, hi i hope everyone's doing well, I'll try to summarize my situation and please help me if you been in similar situation or if you have an idea, cuz I'm kind desperate... This is about a relationship I've been in for the past year, I met a girl back in Dec 2019...
  4. Rainman

    Emotional Pain Getting Worse

    It started when I was young, often wondering who would actually care if it wasn't around anymore. And when I say young, I mean like 7 or 8. I'm 49 as I write this now. My upbringing was strict, and with few friends allowed. In two years of junior high, I never ate in the cafeteria with the other...
  5. Soda-Voxel

    I feel so hopeless.

    Even though I had a wonderful day today, I still want to off myself after all this. I’m trying so, so hard to have hope. I need to be here for my friends, I have to help them, I have to stay alive. There are things I love, people I love, to be here for. But I just hate myself far too much. The...
  6. Tana

    something maybe relatable....on being "fake"

    Some days are better than others...but when I say better, I mostly just mean "you're" numb or distracted....sometimes actually "fine", as you'd say after any casual "how are you" questions would pop up...but you've forgotten what being "happy" feels like, and you can't even recall if you ever...
  7. Iwuv

    Ideas & Opinions I need some advice//

    Hello. I just need a bit of an opinion on this.. I'm not one for easily making friends. I dont get what about me keeps people away, but I've never had a true friend who would be there for me no matter what. After years of not having close relationships with anyone, I've finally forged an...
  8. A

    I hate my life and myself

    Where do i start? well first off i hate my life and myself i was never meant for this world my birth was an accident. I have been let down hard by the system and people in general as well way too many times and i feel i am not compatible with society due to all the pressure stress and trauma...
  9. A

    I Need To Vent

    Hello this is only my second thread on this site and i feel like i need to vent this is probably the most appropriate place to do so so i decided to make a thread here. Anyway i want to start off by saying that i hate the western Neet and Hikikomori communities that exist on the internet why...
  10. A


    Hello i'm new here and i am a bit scared to post here but here it goes i am 25 years old and have been living as a hikikomori for about 2 years now for those who don't know hikikomori is a social condition in which the affected individual isolates themselves from society at home in their room...
  11. zuicidalgoth

    tired of trying and confused.

    so when i first came to this site i was excited to be around these amazingly strong and brave people. so this site means everything to me. i have severe ocd so ocd tends to trigger on things that you care and cherish. becuz of that im scared shitless that i would post something inappropriate or...
  12. Beka

    Anyone else?

    So I find this hard to explain but, (I assume) due to my BPD, I find that I'm very in tune to others feelings. Particularly those close to me such as family. But I can't control it. It's like empathy where I can for some reason pretty much always relate to/feel how the person is feeling but I...
  13. J

    Birthdays, Depression and Suicide - How to cope up?

    Does anyone feel anxious, more depressed, and tired in general during the upcoming days of their birthday? My birthday is coming up in a couple days and I have no idea how to cope with it. I have this crippling fear in my heart regarding my future and I just can't bear to be present on my...
  14. sisyphus

    Random Venting

    Feel free to ignore this. I just HAVE to vent before my mind blows... I understand no one can give advice on that and I am sorry haha I just needed to pour it all out of my chest... __________ It can only get harder. It is downhill from now on. I gave up on all of my college duties. And I am...
  15. sisyphus

    Dealing with Depression

    I was recovering but I noticed that 2017 has been a whole down year. I went spiraling back again to my worst of moments and lately it has reached again the peak that leads to the end. But the end is now a problem that it wasn't before: I used to be alone, but while I was recovering, I had to...
  16. IFeelLikeAnAlien95

    Feeling like I don't exist

    3 weeks ago I fell down some stairs and i broke my 5th metatarsal. It has left me unable to work and house-bound. Lately I've felt really isolate and worthless. It's like I don't exist anymore. Since I'm on crutches its hard to get out or do much and i feel like a pest if i go out because its a...
  17. A


    I am struggling bad with the holidays. It just reminds me that I am rejected by family and do not have my own family. I can take food and go and give it to people at a community dinner. But I can barely stand the holiday and I think I have damage from being bullied all those years. I go through...
  18. lightning05


    I feel constantly sad or angry or somewhere in between the two. I don't know why I feel so shitty. I'm crying as I write this now. I'm frustrated as hell with work and just where I am in life right now. Work sucks, I'm only staying with this job to get the licenses I went to school for. So I...
  19. Miss Invisible

    Who Am I

    Summer is ending:( Booo. Along with it the relaxation of; let's face it laziness;). If you've read my story you know that I have had two extensive domestic abuse ex-relationships . One that blessed me with two sons, now 21 and 18. The other with a wonderous blessing of my only beautiful...
  20. Liwu

    I want to end up as corpse

    Hello forum members, in the last time I'm really often depressed and in bad mood. I've less money, no friends, no graduation... And 2 days ago I was robbed at the train station and I lost my pocket including important things like Perso, Credit Card, Money etc. I hate myself, I've stuck of...