Xenforo forums over the past few months have been seeing spam posts from existing user accounts. Bots hitting forums using lists of emails/passwords leaked elsewhere. We strongly recommend that all users change their password ASAP.
Hello forum, I want to talk about what a useless piece of shit I am. I am hopeful that I can put all of my thoughts here.
put it simply, the feeling of wanting to die is slowly creeping up behind me... Again. I'll put everything into segments.
1. Love, if you've seen my ( two ) other posts, you...
Hi :)
I had this idea and I thought it might be nice to try it out. Okay, how lifeline works is that you send a message to the last person to post in the thread (the post can be about how your feeling) so that you can check on them and make sure that they’re not doing anything harmful. The...
Is there anyone else on here who psychologically feels like a child or teenager in an adult body? I personally psychologically feel like i am still between 17 to 19 years of age even though i'm currently 26. How do you guys deal with an issue like this?
What are your guys thoughts on NEETS? for those who don't know NEET is an acronym from The UK. it stands for Not In Employment Education Or Training it refers to people who are unemployed not in school and not in vocational training. I have been a NEET for 5 years now i used to go outside...
I am curious as to what other users on this forum think about the hikikomori phenomenon in Japan? For those who don't know hikikomori is a social condition caused by a group of symptoms that result in the affected individual withdrawing from society and living in isolation in their...
My parents think that I am getting better, nearing the end of depression, but little do they know how I am still suicidal. I can't tell them because they'll be hurt yet again and the entire cycle of guilt would be repeated. Meds are working, undoubtedly, but now that my self-written book is...
I feel depressed again.
I feel like I am trapped in a box and can't escape my problems but that's all I want to do.
I was doing good for a while. I went back to learning again but I ran into a problem that I am having trouble solving.
I stopped for a few days. Then I tried to learn another...
Perhaps this isn't the most appropriate place to put this. But, i do not want feedback. i sat and pondered, what is depression, how does it feel? This is how it feels, to me. (i do not really care to relate to others at the moment, that is all that ever happens, someone else feels the same- NO...
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