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  1. S

    Will the sadness ever stop?

    I feel like I’m treading water but the water is mud. I can’t dump everyone on everyone because not everyone is suited to hear what I have to say. whenever someone disagrees with me, I feel as if I am the one always in the wrong and I am the one who always has to change. Because if I don’t, I’m...
  2. AuroraGrace1029

    Just ready to end it all

    I’ve been depressed for nearly 2 years straight. Not some small “nothing feels ok” depression but a life sucking “everything is a void and no matter what I or anybody else does will make it ok” depression. I’m not functioning. I’m not able to bathe myself, clean, enjoy life… nothing. It’s all...
  3. 1


    I've been spiraling now. My depression is winning and it seems like I cannot escape. I've been considering hospitalization.
  4. LynxStars

    Should I go to a doctor?

    I had depression for 5 years at the past. Then, I met my current boyfriend and I finally feel being loved. He encouraged me to do more exercise. With his help and doing more exercise, I finally felt better around 2-3 years ago and stopped my meds. Although on and off I was depressed and bad at...
  5. thorns_all_over

    verywellmind.com - Pick your poison, or pick them all!

    It will only hurt, if you don't check it out. This isn't click bait! All joking aside, I hope this resource will help you improve your situation in some way! There is quite a lot of information on quite a lot of subjects! Thanks for reading! thorns_all_over
  6. Scytaic

    How to be happy with clincical depression?

    Any advice or ideas are welcome! I'm 27yo non-binary. Here's my situation - sorry in advance it's long but hopefully it might be useful info for advice lol (it also kinda helps to get it all off my chest!) • I'm completely unable to take any medication of any kind and even certain vitamins or...
  7. Scytaic

    Life is exhausting

    My mental & physical health is so bad that even doing nothing is exhausting. And I basically do nothing all day.. which makes me feel more depressed. Every day is so exhausting it feels like I'm always carrying around a weight or I'm constantly trying to balance my health just to stay alive, I...
  8. sightseer

    This Psychosis is Surreal

    Hi guys, I've been dealing with hallucinations for several year now. Since the beginning of COVID that i've been having full day auditory hallucinations that are killing me inside.. In the beginning of COVID I've flipped and went mad. Later I've started to experience more visual hallucinations...
  9. PrincessPure

    So my mom beat me and swore at me... again

    I was sleeping, she called me when she was outside and started swearing out of nowhere. I was very confused. Then she got home and kept swearing and ridiculing me and came to my room and punched my head 3 times. This was because when I was out with my friend yesterday, I hit then car to a very...
  10. Nick


    e-couch offers five programs: Depression, Anxiety & Worry, Social Anxiety, Divorce & Separation and Loss & Bereavement. Each program includes a comprehensive information module, as well as self-help modules with interactive exercises and workbooks which teach evidence-based strategies. It...
  11. Nick

    Depression and Bipolar Alliance (DBSA) 2022-05-28

    Our Vision The Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA) envisions wellness for people living with mood disorders (depression and bipolar disorder). Our Mission DBSA provides hope, help, support, and education to improve the lives of people who have mood disorders. https://www.dbsalliance.org/
  12. ib4uib

    Sick And Tired Of Being Sick And Tired...

    It's all quite understandable. It's like being a young kid again and on Sunday you really don't want to go to school the next day. Maybe because there is a lesson you don't want to go too, or a fight you don't want to have with some twat that thinks they're rock hard, or simply because you've...
  13. GreenLightFreefall

    If you feel lost

    If you feel lost, burdened, tired and just want to give up. I know what that feels like and I also know what it feels like to overcome. You are special, you are enough and you have a purpose in this world. I know sometimes struggles, they don't go away. I want you to understand that even through...
  14. invisibleperson

    Practical Advice How would you know if you need a psychologist over a therapist?

    I struggle with disordered eating, depression (moderate-severe) and social anxiety
  15. W

    A hopeless situation

    For the past 2 years I've not received any wages. I used to work for my father, the jobs would include normally manual labour but there was a lot of variety. The issue is that I was always tasked to do the work no one else would want to do. He always said that he wants me to takeover the...
  16. Jgrabc

    19yr marriage. 17yr desire problem

    Very short abbreviation of what is happening. My wife and I are best friends. Love each other. Everything is almost perfect except for physical intimacy... Brief history.. Year 94-97 - First bout of MDD (Major Depressive Disorder) for me, I recover. Year 96-2003 - In college and after, lots...
  17. GreenLightFreefall

    Just an update

    I feel im falling deeper and deeper into this pit of despair. I feel hopeless. I feel as if this is really the only place someone actually cares and listens to what i say and it all hurts. I find myself falling asleep more often and waking up at random hours to find myself unable to fall back...
  18. A

    Don't want to be here anymore

    I am tired of suffering. I am tired of the abuse. I just want to be free, even if it means a different sphere.
  19. Velveteen Bunny

    Compassion Fatigue

    I moved about five years ago to live with my aging mother. I knew she would need my help as she was already showing signs of needing help, back then. It was a good thing for both of us. I lost my house to foreclosure (I have C-PTSD, and losing my lovely little house that was all mine, and...
  20. gray_now


    Hi :) I had this idea and I thought it might be nice to try it out. Okay, how lifeline works is that you send a message to the last person to post in the thread (the post can be about how your feeling) so that you can check on them and make sure that they’re not doing anything harmful. The...