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  1. ridefar


    I've always been the type of person who wants to build stuff. So being not able to work because of being ill. Made me miss doing this. The past weeks I needed to distract my mind from all the negative thoughts. So I rebuild all my old Lego sets. Some of them were incomplete. During this weeks...
  2. JustLovely

    Helpful Apps

    Hello! Do you use or know any good applications for a smartphone that help you get relaxed, distract you from bad thoughts or feelings, help you fall asleep etc? I myself use those: My Oasis - Relaxing Sanctuary It's an app that requires you to tap on the screen and do simple quests to gain...
  3. Rockclimbinggirl

    How do you ground yourself?

    I was wondering how others ground themselves? I often do a 5 senses countdown. Describe 5 things you can see Then 4 things you can touch/feel. Like their textures, temperature, etc 3 things you can hear 2 things you can smell 1 thing you can taste I also try to spot 5 things in a room that...
  4. Rockclimbinggirl

    How to deal with intrusive thoughts and memories?

    I tend to distract, but I was wondering if any one else has any coping tips?
  5. CandleLight

    Distraction/ game: 3 Things

    List 3 things you see, from wherever you are at right now. I see: 1. A houseplant. It's a cactus of some sort. 2. The kitchen nook bench across from me. 3. My fuzzy dog sleeping across the room.