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  1. Dante

    First nightmare in a while.

    I used to get nightmares a lot, some pretty nasty ones, and some creatively nasty ones, eventually those nightmares stopped even being scary or disturbing, just tiring, but for a few years now, I cant really recall having any dreams, not ones I remember anyway, until last night, I had what could...
  2. MarvelFan

    Dream Thread

    Post any dreams you can remember in your life here *hug
  3. SonjaRot

    One of those wtf dreams

    So, I was with a bunch of people who I don't really know, but they were meant to be my friends. We were trying to figure out what to do. I suggested that we should go explore the local abandoned building. So we went there. It was an old 12 storey building. As we got there, turned out that the...
  4. J

    My great-uncle

    My both grandfathers have been long dead before I was born. I’ve never met them. There was, instead, my mother’s uncle. He was married with my mom’s mother. He has been like a grandfather to me ever since then. Me and my siblings spent so much time with him and my grandmother in my childhood...
  5. J


    Have anyone had a dream about suicide? Or I am the only one?
  6. redgirl

    Dream Log

    I have a habit of writing down my dreams if they are particularly unique or somehow leave an effect on me for the rest of the day. I'm quite interested in the theories of meanings behind dreams and how your sub-conscious can tell you more about yourself than you might realise. So, I had a...