• Xenforo forums over the past few months have been seeing spam posts from existing user accounts. Bots hitting forums using lists of emails/passwords leaked elsewhere. We strongly recommend that all users change their password ASAP.


  1. Dante

    Jim's Cafe - 01/05/21

    Ladies and gentlemen, I'm afraid I am not going to be able to put in the normal effort I do for Jim's Cafe, as this is more of a whim thing, I see there is no cafe, and I'm in a WEIRD conflicted mood and on my 2nd bottle... of Gin... so I just figured... CAFE TIME! *dunno Today we celebrate Fun...
  2. Dante

    Jims Cafe - 14/03/21

    Hi all, sorry for this, I may be tired, and slightly drunk, but I decided that a Jim's cafe is important. It isnt just some thread where some self-absorbed twat (me) asks questions and lordes his google-gotten knowledge over everyone, it is an important venue for people to talk and get to know...
  3. Arwen

    Should i confront my recent ex-boyfriend about how he might have sexually assaulted me?

    We broke up about a month ago now, and i haven't spoken to him since, except for last week when i asked if he wanted his stuff back. I don't know if i'm over reacting, i'm aware that tonnes of people have been through way worse in terms of relationships and in sexual assault, which i'm not even...
  4. Arwen

    Has anyone else been dumped by their partner when they found out you were depressed?

    Basically, I got really drunk when i went out with my boyfriend and his friends clubbing a few weeks ago, and i cried and told him that i hated myself and that i couldn't cope with everything anymore. Even worse, i was so drunk that i don't remember doing it. Then 4 days later after being really...