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  1. SaFa61947

    How is the relationship with your parents/family?

    I do not get along with my father. And because I don't like my sister-in-law, the entire family, enticed by my brother, decided to shut me off the family. Things were already bad. Now they banned me from visiting them. Yeah, weird as fuck and the words were spoken by my mother. She used to be my...
  2. 18breanna

    Does anyone know how to deal with death

    My grandma is getting heart surgery, and her health is just getting worse, and I know she won't live forever but whenever I think about her passing, all I can think about is how much happier I'll be if I just kill myself and follow her. I didn't have a dad, so she is basically my second parent...
  3. Lastsunset

    What do you do when the person you loathe the most is your mom?

    I cannot count the number of details about her I loathe, and I really fucking hate that her blood runs through my veins, I'll always be connected to her, her, the poison, the source of my poison. I wish I was never born. Nihilist Memes make a post that says i did not consent to be in this awful...
  4. Thedeliberates

    To women for resonance and men for help

    Are there any women who have bad relationship experiences with men where they are scared from feeling like they have any chance at future relationships? Are there any men who would be willing to comment and have a civil, honest conversation and give me insight and advice? Disclaimer: Im not...
  5. rebeccaspins

    I wish I lived alone

    I feel so trapped and hopeless. I've been this way for years. I'm stuck living with my mum and her aggressive partner and it's killing me inside. He has extreme anger issues just like my father. I feel like a naughty child when in fact I'm a 24-year-old woman with a Masters degree from a great...
  6. Boogaloo

    I'm afraid I have become like my abusers.

    Almost every night I have horrible nightmares about my past trauma. Either it is of the event, or it is a nightmare of me either being chased, killed or tortured. And I don't know why, but when I wake up, it takes at most a few hours to realize that I am no longer dreaming and am conscious and...
  7. GoliathQueen

    Taking care of my sick mom

    This is pretty long so brace yourselves... My mother has chronic glomerulitis and has been undergoing hemodialysis for 8 years now. I just recently graduated last June and had all kinds of plans for myself. Then, my mother's condition started to worsen and we found out that she has sepsis due to...
  8. Crookshanks

    Why is my family so mean to me?

    I don't know why, but almost my whole family acts as if they hate me. My Mom constantly says she hates me, but treats me like a daughter the next day. It doesn't help that she drinks, which may be the main factor since she acts like herself when she is sober. But she has had her days when she...
  9. Beka

    Anyone else?

    So I find this hard to explain but, (I assume) due to my BPD, I find that I'm very in tune to others feelings. Particularly those close to me such as family. But I can't control it. It's like empathy where I can for some reason pretty much always relate to/feel how the person is feeling but I...
  10. C

    Reasons that I matter

    today I went to my therapist and i had a really good conversation with her about how I felt about myself. Long story short I told her that I felt like I don’t really matter and that while I’m not suicidal, my life doesn’t really have a purpose and I burden those around me. My therapist told me...
  11. Indigos

    It's all piling up and I can't dig my way out

    My grandmother had a stroke in February of this year. The day before that I found out my girlfriend had cheated on me and slept with someone. After we break up she starts dating a new guy and she doesn't know his last name. I constantly saw her in school with him, he was usually kissing her and...
  12. T

    Expectations and Handling Life Failures After an Attempt

    Hello, I just joined and am seeking information and help. My son attempted suicide a week ago. He is in the hospital right now getting good care and and making progress. One of the things his doctor emphasized early in his stay at the hospital was a strategy for living and motivations. My son...
  13. BlueTyger

    I can't control myself

    I'm not good at writing so let's just get right into it. I just randomly shouted at my family. They didn't do anything wrong, they just said the wrong things in the wrong moment. I shouted, I hit the fridge with my hands, I don't know why, I didn't think. Went upstairs, slammed the door and...
  14. sisyphus

    Family trouble

    I don't get along well with my family. My entire life I felt like they hated me. They have stopped and became "supportive", stopped the abuse (specially physical) bad everything. But they never noticed I was depressed, they ignored all of my mental health issues and have always put me as lazy...
  15. Najona

    My sister hates me and I don't know what to do

    hello everyone, This is actually my first time posting (a very long post too) and I hope I'm not making any mistakes here. In case this thread should be posted somewhere else please let me know. Plus, I'm not a native English speaker but I'm trying my best to explain my situation as well as...
  16. Prussia

    Constantly afraid of physical abuse from dad

    Yup. That. Yay, I'm yet another one of thousands of peopls who have "daddy issues". Just like Star Lord's entire new movie!!! I'm being slightly sarcastic, but I know that it can be a very serious problem and I don't take this topic lightly. My dad and I dont get along much. He's a pretty...
  17. B

    I gave up my family for her and now ......

    I gave up my family for my partner they made me choose and i chose her i had 3 kids with her my life is her then out of the blue its over but i have to live with her as i have nowhere els and cant afford to live alone iv had mixed signals since she told me she loved me but said she diddnt have...
  18. L

    I am the problem again

    I just want to fucking scream right now. I had plans for the weekend, I wanted to get out of here and just be in a good mood; everything was supposed to be awesome as it is. And it started perfectly well! I was at a friend's place and we (friends and me) played Pathfinder (that's a Pen and...
  19. S

    My sister

    My sister has been deeply depressed her whole adult life, she's now 48. It appears by her texts she's getting ready to end her life, putting some affairs in order, etc. She has casually threatened suicide for the last few years. A text from last year "I doubt I'll make it to the end of the...
  20. GrayDay

    My father is threatening suicide periodically.

    I know this is a lot to read, but please help me. It's all important. Please. He threatened it again yesterday. He and my mother got into a argument. He started hitting himself hard on the face, and trying to move towards the bathroom. I told him I was about to have a nervous breakdown, and...