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  1. Dante

    Jim's Cafe - July 16th

    Welcome one and all to Jim's Café, the sanctuary for the long suffering sane from the madness of the modern world. Hello one and all. It seems there hasnt been a cafe in a while, so Im here to open again. As per usual we have 3 tables in this cafe each with their own menu of questions to choose...
  2. Dante

    Jim's Cafe - June 15th

    Welcome one and all to Jim's Café, the sanctuary for the long suffering sane from the madness of the modern world. Hi all. I happened to wander in here and felt like making a Cafe. Please one and all, enjoy! As ever we have Cafe music, some fun facts, 3 tables with differing subjects to choose...
  3. Dante

    Jim's Cafe - 1st September

    Welcome one and all to Jim's Café, the sanctuary for the long suffering sane from the madness of the modern world. I don't usually do a cafe 2 days in a row, partly because I dont want to hog the limelight, partly because its nice to have some variety, and partly because I don't have enough...
  4. Dante

    Jim's Cafe - 21st June

    HELLO ladies and gentleman and welcome to the often delayed or forgotten, but always loved Jim's Cafe! I am sorry I haven't opened one in a while, despite the intermittent posting lately, I have been busy, but today, I will pull my thumb out and help keep this going by opening the cafe again ^^...
  5. Dante

    Jim's Cafe - 01/05/21

    Ladies and gentlemen, I'm afraid I am not going to be able to put in the normal effort I do for Jim's Cafe, as this is more of a whim thing, I see there is no cafe, and I'm in a WEIRD conflicted mood and on my 2nd bottle... of Gin... so I just figured... CAFE TIME! *dunno Today we celebrate Fun...
  6. Dante

    Jim's Cafe - 3rd March 2021

    Welcome one and all to Jim's Cafe! A little less going rogue and a little more "topics of the day" this time, so lets see what day it is today: 1) "World Wildlife Day" 2) "What if Cats and Dogs had Opposable Thumbs day" 3) "National Anthem Day" 4) "Registered Dietitian Day" 5) "Canadian Bacon...
  7. Dante

    Jim's Cafe - 28th February 2021

    Once again, I am seeing a ponderous lack of Cafe for today, so here it is, Jim's Cafe back again. It would be great to see more people putting these up, it doesnt have to be big, it doesnt have to be themed, and it doesnt have to have graphics created on some website I found online, it doesnt...
  8. Dante

    Jim's Cafe - 21st Feb 2021

    Welcome once again to Jim's Cafe! I know I usually leave it until there hasnt been a cafe for a while and then I scold you all for letting it happen *sf_wink but this time I kinda felt like putting something up. This isnt going to be my usual "maximum effort" attempt with multiple tables...
  9. Dante

    Jim's Cafe - 24th January

    Welcome to Jim's Cafe, Dante Version, there is a slightly special reason I nabbed this one which will become apparent soon. As ever lets have a look at what day it is, Beer Can Appreciation Day, Peanut Butter Day, Belly Laugh Day, Talk Like a Grizzled Prospector Day, and Dante's Birthday. So...
  10. Dante

    Whamageddon 2020

    Im not sure which year it started, but I heard it on the radio a few years ago, they commented that it is impossible not to hear "Last Christmas" by Wham! at christmas time, so they extended the challenge to their listeners to avoid hearing it from December 1st to December 25th. I have played...
  11. Dante

    Ideas & Opinions Which fictional character are you?

    I have been binge watching old(ish) TV and I got to the Mentalist and realised that I feel a strong connection with the main character, he is strange, dysfunctional, playful, fun, intelligent, but carries beneath it all a deep reservoir of sadness. He genuinely enjoys himself, but he is never...
  12. Soda-Voxel

    The Acronym Game

    I like making acronyms and I thought this would make a fun game. We suggest a word then the next person makes an acronym out of it, then suggests a word for the next person. Etc. Example: Person 1: Epic. Person 2: Extremely Pretty, Incredibly Cool. USA. Person 3: Unusually Short Acronym...
  13. SinisterKid

    Whats in a Word

    Some words just irritate the hell out of me. So I want words you would like to see officially banned from use everywhere.