• Xenforo forums over the past few months have been seeing spam posts from existing user accounts. Bots hitting forums using lists of emails/passwords leaked elsewhere. We strongly recommend that all users change their password ASAP.


  1. A


    Has anyone on here had experience being in a relationship with a real life yandere? For those who don't know "Yandere" is derived from the Japanese words yanderu, meaning insane or sick, and deredere, meaning affectionate or loving. Simply put, a yandere is someone who is lovesick; someone who...
  2. C

    My ex gf, who suffers from depression broke up with me.

    Hi Everyone, sorry this is a read. So the past month has been a series of ups and downs, with my girlfriend fully cutting ties (in a confusing way), 5 days ago. Here's a recap of our relationship and how things went down: -We began dating 8 months ago. During such time we've spent a lot of...
  3. Lestat

    Perfect girl but she's a demon made to destroy myself and everyone who comes in contact with her

    I met this girl and I'm not joking when I say she is almost perfect. The problem is she is so broken and unstable that I can't be in a relationship with her anymore. Every 2 days I'm dealing with a different person who just wants to destroy everything. She is incredibly manipulative, which is...
  4. R

    NEED GIRL OPINION please..

    what actions can a man do to get his girlfriend to even consider trusting him even a tiny bit after he cheats?? Besides obvious once.. I have failed my princess and she might give me a tiny chance to change her opinion. Please help :(
  5. Fighter86

    I can't take it anymore...abusive GF

    I'm so exhausted with the amount of emotional battering I've taken from my girlfriend over the last 2 years. She's verbally aggressive, conscending, belitteling, sarcastic, cruel and judgemental. It doesn't happen all the time, but enough to make me feel like nothing at times. I've just felt so...
  6. N

    I can't take it anymore...

    My high school journey will come to an end this summer. Although it's been an amazing experience that I wouldn't trade for the world, there's only one thought that gets me sad every time it crosses my mind: her. I met her 4 years ago, and almost instantly took a liking to her. We got very close...
  7. H

    Long term relationship crisis or is she over me?

    My gf and I of 6 years, we broke up about a month ago well actually she just got her belongings and left me out of the blue and called cops so I wouldn't contact her ever again without my knowledge of a breakup. Fast forward to 2 nights ago we talked again, it had been 40 days of no contact...