Xenforo forums over the past few months have been seeing spam posts from existing user accounts. Bots hitting forums using lists of emails/passwords leaked elsewhere. We strongly recommend that all users change their password ASAP.
I want to genually kill myself but I have no way in doing so. I have 0 friends and I have 0 purpose in life other than to waste peoples fucking time. Nobody genually loves me or ever reaches out to me because people know I am a waste of space that should get a rope. I work a shit job that barely...
I noticed something since I lost my mother (and only family) to cancer in 2015. Since then in my pictures you can tell my face is not symmetric anymore.
Before this I was a nice looking person, but after that I really look weird and ugly. You know that mask half crying half laughing...
in fact it gets worse...
Hello, that's basically my second thread on this forum. In a way i feel i should just write something and maybe someone will respond.
I don't know what life is to be honest. It's 6 am here right now, i can't even sleep, i just stayed awake all night.
i'm tired of all of...
Hi my names Lee I'm 27 and have been suffering with depression ever since I was 17 and recently iv been feeling really horrible and suicidal and spaced out in a world of my own and looking up differnt organisations and it's stupid how the phones are only on from 9am till 4;30pm I think it's...
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