• Xenforo forums over the past few months have been seeing spam posts from existing user accounts. Bots hitting forums using lists of emails/passwords leaked elsewhere. We strongly recommend that all users change their password ASAP.


  1. alixer

    Looking for motivation partner

    Hello, I'm tired of feeling dread. I have big ambitions, and I know I can accomplish them. I know this, because I have accomplished incredible things in the past, such as received advanced degrees, lost weight, changed careers, succeeded in moving to new places, and helped those who couldn't...
  2. Cathy

    How do you guys get yourself to do anything?

    I thought it would be nice to make a thread on how everyone motivates themselves to do anything. From things to getting out of bed, taking a shower or doing the dishes, to bigger stuff like doing your homework or finishing a project from work or school. As someone diagnosed with borderline I...