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need to talk

  1. Alsy

    Let me whine please

    I'm feeling dumb. And cruel. And stupid. And alone. And... Lonely, I guess, which is even more weird because I've never thought I could until I read the book. I haven't thought a loneliness to be a thing, actually. For them, maybe. Not for me. Why would I feel lonely? The last week was a...
  2. Zi Phosterage

    Hello and goodnight :)

    I have not much to say, I feel diennand all but I would rather try and make someone a little but better.... I myself feel superfluous a expense to those around me, and right now I am in a bot so good condition economical and have very few friends (if at all)/ let's just say people to talk with...
  3. sadcat

    feeling bad again

    It has been a long time since I felt this bad. I feel as if there is nothing left to live for. Last time I felt this bad - it was caused by my cancer meds and pain meds. They made me suicidal. Last time - I tried many times to end it, but I was able to fight it off each time. Now I am so near...
  4. B

    I gave up my family for her and now ......

    I gave up my family for my partner they made me choose and i chose her i had 3 kids with her my life is her then out of the blue its over but i have to live with her as i have nowhere els and cant afford to live alone iv had mixed signals since she told me she loved me but said she diddnt have...
  5. K

    I need people to talk to. I don't think I'm cut out to live

    I'm only a 17 year old high schooler who turns 18 in 2 weeks. I'm not even in the real world yet and I can't take it. I have few friends and the ones I do are considered loosers at school along with me. We get made fun of for being "hipsters" and even the nerdy kids make fun of us. I have...