• Xenforo forums over the past few months have been seeing spam posts from existing user accounts. Bots hitting forums using lists of emails/passwords leaked elsewhere. We strongly recommend that all users change their password ASAP.


  1. lilly123

    Can you survive a bad first impression in the workplace

    I made a combination of what I consider good, and what my new acting manager considers bad first impressions. And naturally I am panicking that I'm a complete failure and will never be seen as a valuable employee again. So just I just want to know, is it possible to be seen as a non valuable...
  2. Cali

    I am driving myself CRAZY!

    I go along for awhile, feeling as if things are alright. Then out of the blue ( or so it seems) I will begin to fear that my husband is not being honest with me. It eats me up inside, and then I start going through his things until I seem to find something to back up my fears, confront him...
  3. Caged_Cutter

    Paranoia in the hands of PTSD.

    So ive been diagnosed with PTSD since last year but ive never shown signs of paranoia until now. as it stands i have episodes in the night hours where ill hear a sound down stairs and spend 10 mins each time clearing my home with some form of weapon this normally occurs every night for the last...