• Xenforo forums over the past few months have been seeing spam posts from existing user accounts. Bots hitting forums using lists of emails/passwords leaked elsewhere. We strongly recommend that all users change their password ASAP.


  1. Gnome

    Holding on because of my kid

    I have a 10 year old who needs me, a lot (she has some neurological issues, plus I know she really loves me for some reason). Anyway, sometimes I think I just stay alive for her and that's literally it. Like I actually think to myself...okay I won't kill myself...I will keep getting up and...
  2. Lastsunset

    Overwhelmed and drowning

    I fucking made my daughter cry. Why why why why did I do that? She needs love more than anything right now and I know this and still was a bitch to her. Mean, couldn't get on her level and didn't even try!! So disgusted. Why do I fret about her emotions then turn around and say/do such selfish...
  3. L

    Not fitting in .. no personality

    Recovery? What is recovery? I am less impulsive yes, i am able to attend college... living back home with my partner and children but don't fit in. not in any aspect of my life. I feel as though I have no personality at all. I still don't know anymore about me then i did years ago, I'm calmer...
  4. Lana76


    Hello, Newbie here, but not to depression. Have been stuttering all my life, no help from my family, and I developed serious social anxiety because of that. I suffered from depression for years, mostly related to hormones. 10 years of depression due to birth control pill (nobody told me it was...