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  1. Dante

    Ideas & Opinions People Watching

    This is just a little random place for OVER THE TOP in depth thoughts about the nature of mankind, I have these occasionally and it felt wrong to just occasionally pepper them into random threads. If anyone else has a similar level of overly-in-depth thought about the nature of people, feel free...
  2. Dante

    Suicide Forum

    Some thoughts came together and solidified for me, so allow me to share them with you if you will. I am an aspie, so I have spent my life studying people, trying to figure out how they work, they all seem to have been born with a manual on how to be a person and I just wasnt, so I had to watch...
  3. Dante

    People <-- I'm with stupid

    I have officially had enough and my fluffy, rose-tinted feelings about humanity are finally completely gone. People, ALL people, are messy, stupid, arrogant, self-obsessed, narcissistic, reckless, barely functional cretins bumbling through life by bumping off of each other and whatever other...
  4. Broken21

    Pushing people away

    When you get sad or depressed do you intentionally push people away? Even if you know they care. In my experience I do it because it causes me more pain (weird I know). I realize it in the moment, and I can't stop it. I keep thinking isolating myself will help me even when I know it won't...
  5. bubblebear


    hello, i saw this and i saw the word 'uni' up there so i thought it suited me. not sure what to say really. hi i guess :rolleyes: at the moment im hanging around the library waiting for my exam to start. i start in one hour, but i should leave in about 40 minutes because i need to go get my...