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  1. Dante

    Jim's Cafe 27th April 2021 - Poetry Month

    Welcome one and all to this A Jim's Café you mustn't miss. I tell you this post wasn't easy but I hope it still sounds light and breezy. You may be asking "why the rhyme" it doesn't happen all the time but this is a special time of year to praise the poems that we hear For the month of poetry...
  2. N

    In case I don’t see you

    In case I don’t see you When my eyes are clouded over And when I’ve become one with the earth When I’m all just a memory Do not grip upon the past Nor the burden of remembering it Look forward as I once could And see what I did not /////// Sometimes, in my moments of despair, I find inspiration...
  3. A

    Jack (an original poem)

    There once was a boy who had an ability, To be able to see things that others could not see, He went by the name of jack, His friends whispered behind his back, For they thought he was crazy, To be able to see things that they could not see, The monsters and ghouls taunted him, But during the...
  4. alixer

    Hope In Motion: A Small Poem

    May beauty grace your every day And music dance through the air. The smallest dream can light the way And hope can take you anywhere.