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  1. Dante

    Jim's Cafe - 21st June

    HELLO ladies and gentleman and welcome to the often delayed or forgotten, but always loved Jim's Cafe! I am sorry I haven't opened one in a while, despite the intermittent posting lately, I have been busy, but today, I will pull my thumb out and help keep this going by opening the cafe again ^^...
  2. Dante

    Jim's Cafe 27th April 2021 - Poetry Month

    Welcome one and all to this A Jim's Café you mustn't miss. I tell you this post wasn't easy but I hope it still sounds light and breezy. You may be asking "why the rhyme" it doesn't happen all the time but this is a special time of year to praise the poems that we hear For the month of poetry...
  3. Dante

    Jim's Cafe - 3rd March 2021

    Welcome one and all to Jim's Cafe! A little less going rogue and a little more "topics of the day" this time, so lets see what day it is today: 1) "World Wildlife Day" 2) "What if Cats and Dogs had Opposable Thumbs day" 3) "National Anthem Day" 4) "Registered Dietitian Day" 5) "Canadian Bacon...
  4. Dante

    Philosophy Bunker

    For several years, 3 or 4 guys (myself being one of them) would meet at the pub regularly to discuss philosophy and religion, and in those discussions a recurring theme of difficult binary choices was put forward in the form of a button. "Press this button and XXX happens, would you press it?"...
  5. Dante

    Jim's Cafe - Valentine's Day (Sunday 14th February)

    You wouldn't BELIEVE how close I came to posting this Cafe without remembering it was valentines day! (Its the curse of a lonely bastard it seems) but with no further ado: Welcome one and all to Jim's Cafe - Valentine's Day! I usually try not to do the Cafe too often, but I liked some of the...
  6. Dante

    Jim's Café - Thursday 11th February

    It seems you all went and forgot the Cafe on the 10th... for shame people, for shame... and as punishment, you get ME!*hysterical You poor fools! Well, lets get to the point. Today has some wonderful topics, today we celebrate: "Fat Thursday", "Peppermint Patty Day", "Don't Cry Over Spilt Milk...
  7. Dante

    Jim's Cafe 14th January

    Once again I have hijacked your precious cafe!! So join me in Jim's Cafe, Dante Version! "Fun" Facts time, and this one is all about animals, I didn't mean it to be, it just turned out that way. 1) Butterflies will happily gorge themselves on mud, urine, poop, decaying flesh, sweat, blood and...
  8. Dante

    Jim's Cafe - 8th January 2021

    Well folks, I noticed no one has posted one of these in several days, so I'm afraid you all now have to suffer the consequences for this lapse and receive Jim's Cafe DANTE version! Of course I will try to follow the format, first, some fun facts. 1) Did you know that Brigadier Sir Nils Olav...