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  1. AFallenAngel

    No future perspective and trust

    Hello, it’s been a while since I posted here or even access this forum. There’s so much happening, but today I’m feeling at my limit and I need to talk to come one and put it out or I’m going explode. I thought about talking about it with some friends but I notice that I don’t feel like...
  2. dying_inside

    Practical Advice I have a plan

    The date is close. I could ask for help but i really dont want to be alive anymore. 2 issues: 1) I dont wanna hurt family and betray my T. 2) Im afraid of physical pain. (havent come up with a better plan, have tried it before but now it will work) what do i do?
  3. Paint

    It's pretty much going downhill while also looking somewhat bright.

    I havent been here for a long time now, two years i think, but here i am, hello I got started a new school in 2020, just as covid really hit which wasnt really nice if i am honest, but my classmates and the school are pretty nice in my opinion, but verry stressfull. As one of 4 guys in a...
  4. Tana

    Randomly scared

    So, I was fine with...stuff, more or less, until I overheard my psychiatrist add the word "schizotypal" when talking to a social worker about my issues...I went home and checked the symptoms at google, and at first, I didn't think I have it, but then later, I started to see it and was freaking...
  5. sisyphus

    I want to find a quick way to die.

    I tried to make myself better. I tried to be a better person. I tried to let people help me. I wanted so bad to get well. But all I am is lost. All I am is empty. And I will always feel lonely, Even tho imI not alone. No one could possibly help me. No one could always be there. There will...
  6. Verity Clarke

    Should I continue with my work trial?

    I have a 2 week work trial that seems ok. It isnt going to pay much, it's £21k a year. I doubt ill be able to save any money with the cost of living in London. I got scammed about an air b'n'b rental place which has put me out £1305. I'm now living in hotels and I've nearly run out of savings...
  7. EZ Writer

    I just need to open up about this sucky aspect of my life

    I recently told my husband I've never felt confident about anything. Ever.I told him this because we're at a crisis point in our lives. He was let go from his job. He's going to try to go freelance. As well as try to find regular work. But we lose our health insurance in less than a month...
  8. IFeelLikeAnAlien95

    Feeling lonely and hopeless

    Woke up this morning feeling ok. Bit as i started getting ready for work i started feeling more down and i was looking at myself in the mirror whilst doing my hair and thinking "is living this life worth it". I feel so alone, i have like 2 friends and one of them is my cousin ( i recently...
  9. CyphinatSea

    Finally, an answer (BPD)

    So, the past 3 years, I've been going on and off to different doctors, all of whom never took me seriously. In a last ditch effort after my most recent bout of depression and suicidal thoughts, I decided to try and see another doctor. And I think I have finally found someone who will take me...
  10. Jack D

    I know what I have to do.. but

    I've been talking to some people regarding my issues I'm having. CBT Counsellors, Mentors, and even some random people saying they are there if they need to talk. And in that time, I have realised something. Since my initial problems started when I started severing ties with people, holding the...
  11. MommyOf1

    I have been hiding something from my fiance that I don't know if he should know.

    Hello, Here's a quick run down of how our relationship has progressed; We met on Match and instantly hit it off, he has one son from a previous relationship and I have one daughter from a previous relationship. He is my first real relationship ever. We've been together for two years and we got...
  12. BadWolf22

    Scared of love

    I don't know if anyone can help me with this, because it's not really a question, but I have to get it out. For a long time I didn't seem to feel anything for anyone. No one attracted me in any way, and I was worried because everyone else had a partner or at least a crush. Now I met this guy...
  13. K

    I'm worried about being alone

    My roommate just told me I have 2 months to move out and find my own place to live. I'm up for the challenge of it, but I'm so f***ing afraid of being alone. She literately just told me this minutes ago, and the first thing that came to my mind is how no one will talk to me, how I won't see...
  14. K

    I'm so scared right now..

    I'm not sure what there is I can do anymore. Everything seems like an uphill battle, and every time something good happens, something equally as bad happens. One thing I am good at is not skipping any details, so this might be lengthy, but I need to get this out of my system. I'm 21 years old...
  15. eleanorhikari

    I just told my parents...

    I'm their youngest daughter thousands of miles away from home in another country and I finally just sent my parents probably the most difficult thing I ever wrote telling them about my attempted suicide in February. It's sent now so no going back, but I'm waiting for a reply and I am just...
  16. Misty S.

    Need a job. Can't get a job. Can't deal.

    I'm 20 and never had a job. The entirety of the time I've been with my bf, I haven't been making money. He did help me once get a job at the restaurant where he used to work but they let me go after a month (they even had me work new year's eve) and I only ever received one paycheck worth $35...