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sexual abuse

  1. k4waii.ari


    god...this is something I really didn't wanna post but I have to get it out. when I was 6, I was abused for a year and after that when I was 7 I would watch porn very often. After this, it started getting repetitive and I wanted more of a rush. I started going on websites and showing and...
  2. googie

    does this counts as csa?

    so, my cousin and dad used to touch my butt, a lot of times, my cousin did it everytime we were alone, my dad used to slap and touch my thighs and butt, im not from usa, im from latam, and sa is kind of normalized here, but idk, does it counts as csa? or sa?
  3. B

    Disgusting intimacy

    Despite the many 19 years that passed and 12 past the incidents, I haven't even once felt comfortable to get intimate with anyone - regardless of the type of relationship. Frienda, lovers. Those incidents control my life, it feels like you're vile and dirty for no one to touch or even talk to. I...
  4. S

    . I'd ask if I should end it, but people say no

    And that is totally practical. I know people encourage others and help them. I don't know if I wanted that, or maybe I do want that and just can't admit that to myself. I had a bad childhood and I wish things were different. I was suicidal over my childhood, yes. My dad was a monster, a true...
  5. Rockclimbinggirl

    Feeling more depressed lately

    I have been struggling with feeling more depressed lately. Just want to stay in bed and be asleep all day. Just haven't been feeling that motivated lately. I also came close to "method" on Monday. I really don't know why I've been feeling like this lately. Just don't care about life as...
  6. lightning05

    Still clinging to me *trigger warning*

    I was molested by a coach when I was 10. Last summer he tried to get back in contact with me. I don't know where he is or what he is doing. He is old; I hoped for him to be dead now. I hate him more than words can describe. I want to hurt him and I want to fight back. He has taken so much...
  7. BlueHealingHeart

    I'm slowly slipping away

    I'm suffering from depression, PTSD, low self esteem and my therapist said I have some aspects of borderline. I told her how I don't push people away and how I can maintain relationships. I'm actually really happy when I have friends, friends keep me happy and help me from me slipping away. I...