• Xenforo forums over the past few months have been seeing spam posts from existing user accounts. Bots hitting forums using lists of emails/passwords leaked elsewhere. We strongly recommend that all users change their password ASAP.

short story

  1. einimeamullaoo

    Everybody shouted at me angrily in my school

    This happened when I was in fourth grade in my elementary school. There was a shallow pit in a small forest near my school backyard. About a half meter deep. I was among with the other children of my age and we decided to make a camouflage to this shallow pit for fun. Something like a simple...
  2. Arwen

    My shrink has very stylish shoes - A poem/writing I wrote when I was really depressed...

    My shrink has very stylish shoes. Sometimes black, Some times mauve. But always neat dainty and shined. I watch them as they bounce up and down when she listens to me talk. My eyes are torn between staring at her shoes and the button on the sleeve of my shirt which I am twisting. It's like...