Xenforo forums over the past few months have been seeing spam posts from existing user accounts. Bots hitting forums using lists of emails/passwords leaked elsewhere. We strongly recommend that all users change their password ASAP.
(Maybe triggers)
Here's the background: Because of the coming September 10th (the Teachers' Day in my country, teachers were celebrating), all the students in my school had to study without stopping for about 6 hrs. That was a painful experience with difficult math problems.
btw I remembered...
I have a appointment to the therapist on July 5 and I'm thinking of telling him just how bad my thoughts of suicide has gotten and how easy it would be for me to succeed in it. The thing is, I know it'll lead to me being put in a hospital but at the same time I sort of feel like I should go...
I have a appointment to the therapist on July 5 and I'm thi kink of telling him just if bad my thoughts of suicide has gotten and how easy it would be for me to succeed in it. The thing is, I know it'll lead to me being put in a hospital but at the same time I sort of feel like I should go. I've...
two weeks ago totally out of the blue my boyfriend of two years broke up with me saying he can't cope with his depression anymore (the first is heard of it) and needed to take a step back from our relationship which I understood as I have PTSD and knew what he needed right now was me as a friend...
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