• Xenforo forums over the past few months have been seeing spam posts from existing user accounts. Bots hitting forums using lists of emails/passwords leaked elsewhere. We strongly recommend that all users change their password ASAP.


  1. Tana

    Future Planning

    You can do it your own way, but here's how I'd plan it: JOB WISE A) What I want. 1. What are the things I’m most passionate about? 2. What are some things I wouldn't want to do for the long run? 3. What would be my dream job? B) What I need. 1. Where should I start, in order to pursue my...
  2. Boogaloo

    My best friend is suicidal and seeing her suffer destroys me inside.

    My best friend and girlfriend is very much suicidal and has been since she was very young. She self-harms and is very traumatized by her past. She was raped by her mother at the age of 10, and has been abused physically and mentally by her parents all her life. Her mother was an alcoholic, and...
  3. Lexy-Time Waster

    I Finally Graduated- help me celebrate

    I finally graduated college yesterday and I felt like I had no one to celebrate with! None of my classmates even took a picture with me sigh and I looked good too. I spent so much money on Hair and makeup and I looked beautiful, I got compliments from them but I’m just not close enough to anyone...
  4. T

    Expectations and Handling Life Failures After an Attempt

    Hello, I just joined and am seeking information and help. My son attempted suicide a week ago. He is in the hospital right now getting good care and and making progress. One of the things his doctor emphasized early in his stay at the hospital was a strategy for living and motivations. My son...
  5. A


    I need warm vibes or thoughts or what ever belief system people have, to send my way. I have grand jury this Wednesday, for a day. I am on the jury and it is my fifth day serving this year. It is very painful to me and I tried to find my story on my previous post to add this to it, but I will...
  6. A


    My head hurts and I am just overwhelmed. I wish I felt loved in real life. I am in too much pain to share my story. Annette.
  7. Rockclimbinggirl

    IRL Peer Support Group

    So yesterday I went to a peer support group for the second time. I really enjoyed it. We did topics again. So everyone wrote a topic down and put it in a basket and then we talked about them. It is like SF except IRL. So if anyone is considering going to one go give it a try.
  8. lightning05


    Nothing much to really say. Just feel like I am going a bit crazy. I just feel really off and am not liking myself very much right now. Don't wish I was anyone else but I just wish that I can change these horrible feelings that I have and these bad thoughts that continuously creep into my brain...
  9. MinnBiker

    My boss is a bully. Suicidal feelings increase daily.

    This is not the first time I have had to deal with a bully boss. I had a VERY similar experience 15 years ago. Same MO: boss that only feels comfortable working with men under 30 who can be mentored and who won't be a threat. The bully only chooses marks (or targets) who are middle aged women...