• Xenforo forums over the past few months have been seeing spam posts from existing user accounts. Bots hitting forums using lists of emails/passwords leaked elsewhere. We strongly recommend that all users change their password ASAP.


  1. Dante

    Cult Classics Corner

    I am often amazed and bemused by how some people have simply missed out on an AMAZING cult classic show or film or radio series and LOVE finding a new one myself, so this thread is for everyone to post those cult classics. If this works then together we shall compile a library of the best...
  2. Dante

    Ideas & Opinions Which fictional character are you?

    I have been binge watching old(ish) TV and I got to the Mentalist and realised that I feel a strong connection with the main character, he is strange, dysfunctional, playful, fun, intelligent, but carries beneath it all a deep reservoir of sadness. He genuinely enjoys himself, but he is never...
  3. L

    What are you watching?

    What are you watching? (Or what was the last thing you watched?) I'm watching Apollo XIII, which I thought was appropriate given we are on the eve of the Apollo XI landing 50th anniversary..