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  1. Tor

    No Bad Parts: Healing Trauma & Restoring Wholeness 2024-08-04

    "No Bad Parts: Healing Trauma and Restoring Wholeness with the Internal Family Systems Model" by Richard C. Schwartz, PhD, explores the Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapy model. The book presents the concept that the mind is composed of multiple parts, each with its own perspectives and...
  2. Mr. Bauta

    Therapy Prep

    I haven’t been to therapy in so long, roughly 6 years ago. I only stopped because my therapist left for something else or moved (can’t really recall). What should I prepare for? I’m unsure of what to expect going again for the beginning. I’d namely need to avoid smothering the poor counselor...
  3. PrincessPure

    Nothing seems to work for me and my collapsing mental health

    I am open to any advice or idea. So I have an anxiety, and a really REALLY bad hypochondria. Every once in a while I am convinced that I have cancer. Last year, I thought that I had breast cancer in September because my breasts were hurting a bit, so I took an appointment for an ultrasound and...
  4. Arwen

    My shrink has very stylish shoes - A poem/writing I wrote when I was really depressed...

    My shrink has very stylish shoes. Sometimes black, Some times mauve. But always neat dainty and shined. I watch them as they bounce up and down when she listens to me talk. My eyes are torn between staring at her shoes and the button on the sleeve of my shirt which I am twisting. It's like...
  5. Lastsunset

    Thank you message

    Hi members of SF 👋 I might be over-doing it here but I wanted to just thank the group as a whole for existing in the first place, and the awesome community that has been cultivated here. This is very much first and foremost because of the guidelines that have been set in place and the admins and...
  6. CBunny9

    New therapist

    So my depression has been getting in the way of my job (I work at a preschool, where my energy levels need to basically be through the roof and my mood needs to be stable and healthy). My boss noticed and gave me a few days of “grievance leave” and sent me some resources for affordable treatment...
  7. NRW24

    I failed at being a human

    I failed at being a human. I can't get a job, a girlfriend, I don't have friends even. My life is empty. I have done nothing in these 25 years of existence. Sooner rather than later I will commit suicide. It can't come soon enough. Tomorrow I have my first therapy session. And it will be my...
  8. Rafs

    News and first time in therapy!

    Hi there SF. I posted an update thread about 2 months ago, and this is kind of a continuation on that thread. So uni started about a month ago. 2nd year computer science. I was doing good and was in a relationship with a girl I really liked and was one of my best friends here. She's in the same...
  9. Sevven

    Fake it Til You Make It

    @electricbluenicotine @Mremptyinside Responding to you guys gave me an idea... I actually had a therapist talk to me once about FITYMI. Decide who you want to be and just play that role when you're around others. Not big lies like, "I'm a retired air force pilot who now owns a screen printing...
  10. lightning05

    Starting again

    I haven't been in therapy for a little over a year but have decided to start again because of having frequest flashbacks and increasing anxiety. I found a place that I like (and used to go to) with little or low cost but I am now on a waiting list. I did an intake today and the woman was...
  11. lipstix

    What's the point of therapy?

    I am by no means trying to dissuade anyone from pursuing therapy, because I know it does help a lot of people. These are just my thoughts. So all my life, whenever I've opened up to someone, they always say the same thing: "Please consider therapy." I know that they mean well, but I have...
  12. Susu

    How to make the first step

    So. I've stared to really start to think about going to a therapist or first talking to my doctor. Anyway I want to hear how did you guys first go to your doctor and what did you say to him/her. Am I just gonna walk in and be like "I'm depressed and want therapy"??
  13. C

    Nothing works if nothing changes

    I honestly feel like medication and therapy don't work! My medicine just makes me feel sleepy and tired, I guess I'm not happy with it because I expect them to make me feel...happy. Commercials about medicine made me think they would change my demeanor or change how I felt but I was wrong, so...
  14. Battlecry

    Competition Time! The most crazy cures you've tried...

    Right folks, my last post got me thinking. I ran through the litany of treatments, therapies and interventions I've engaged with over the last twenty years; some more conventional than others. I believe that modern pharmaceuticals and talking therapies are probably the most effective. But I'm...
  15. Battlecry

    New Year, New Meds...

    Haven't posted for a while due to the usual busyness around Christmas. All pleasant enough and not once did family notice or query the fact I wore long sleeves for a week, so pulled that one off with aplomb! Scars slowly healing, but still erring on the side of caution and keeping them covered...
  16. Rockclimbinggirl


    So my counsellor did a bit with me. I am wondering if anyone has experience with it. Did you find it helpful?
  17. lightning05


    I saw a psychiatrist today after waiting a little over a month for an appointment. Over the past couple of weeks I believe I have had a hypomanic or manic episode. I didn't sleep much but it wasn't affecting my energy, was acting very reckless by drinking and smoking a lot, and just generally...
  18. lightning05

    New therapist

    I was going to a free counseling clinic near my home since the end of August and now my sessions have run out and next week is my last one. My therapist has helped me out so much and I have grown a lot with her, but I still have so many things going on. Every time I think that I have worked out...
  19. Beka

    BPD and relationships

    So it's been about maybe 2 years since I've been diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder, I've had a year of intensive therapy which didn't feel like it was doing jack at the time but now I realise it has actually helped me by teaching me to think in a slightly different way. Because of...