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  1. GreenLightFreefall

    If you feel lost

    If you feel lost, burdened, tired and just want to give up. I know what that feels like and I also know what it feels like to overcome. You are special, you are enough and you have a purpose in this world. I know sometimes struggles, they don't go away. I want you to understand that even through...
  2. Soda-Voxel

    My sleep schedule is rough again.

    It's not that I'm finding it hard to sleep. In fact it's somewhat easy, due to the fact I take melatonin every night. But I guess I've just become...unmotivated to sleep. I'm too lazy to put my things away, or I'm too busy thinking about stressful or upsetting things, or maybe I just don't want...
  3. Dante

    Where do you find the will?

    I have been deteriorating lately, I have kept my tendency to depression in check for a while, not really free of it, but under control, but too much isolation, monster commute, lack of sleep, stress, etc is making me spiral a bit, and I am officially out of any real motivation. I know I will...
  4. Dante

    People <-- I'm with stupid

    I have officially had enough and my fluffy, rose-tinted feelings about humanity are finally completely gone. People, ALL people, are messy, stupid, arrogant, self-obsessed, narcissistic, reckless, barely functional cretins bumbling through life by bumping off of each other and whatever other...
  5. Dante

    Happiness isnt worth the risk

    I have started to notice a trend, for the most part I am more or less OK, trudging along and managing fine, but occasionally I get my hopes up, I cheer up a little and people sometimes even comment on how happy I am and how its good to see, and then I find out just how fragile that happiness is...
  6. Dante

    I swear I used to be smarter.

    I was a very smart kid, I got good grades without studying, without trying, I picked up skills easily enough, at 17 I opened my text book for the first time the night before the exam, and I passed that exam easily enough, then I got to university, I studied Maths and Programming, and in my first...
  7. Dante

    The Theory of Depressive Realism

    The theory of Depressive Realism states that people who are depressed have been shown to make more realistic inferences with available data, and it is the normal people who are actually putting a positive bias on their interpretations of data. Basically, this suggests that depression gives you a...
  8. Dante

    Always nagging

    I've been OK now for a while, functional, happy enough considering circumstances, but, as I've said before on here, occasionally it feels like the "OK" me is just an act, or a mask which slips occasionally and underneath it I'm still as broken and desperate and empty as I was at the worst of it...
  9. sisyphus

    I want to find a quick way to die.

    I tried to make myself better. I tried to be a better person. I tried to let people help me. I wanted so bad to get well. But all I am is lost. All I am is empty. And I will always feel lonely, Even tho imI not alone. No one could possibly help me. No one could always be there. There will...
  10. Love4Real

    I just had an AHA! Moment

    I don't know how much more simply I can put this. I just realized that I really don't like myself. I indulge in a string of terrible self harm behaviors, but I didn't realize that I was truly disgusted with myself until about 20 minutes ago. I'm empty and don't have anymore to give anyone...
  11. Zi Phosterage

    Hello and goodnight :)

    I have not much to say, I feel diennand all but I would rather try and make someone a little but better.... I myself feel superfluous a expense to those around me, and right now I am in a bot so good condition economical and have very few friends (if at all)/ let's just say people to talk with...
  12. Ann YoRHa

    I don't know what to do with my life anymore.

    I am 18 years old and I just graduated from high school. I'm at major low for my life right now, due to some problems with taxes I wasn't able to get financial aid for my university I was originally going to go to, and now I have to settle for a community college. I'm trying to take classes that...
  13. Riuna

    Im super tired with univ life

    Im on my last semester, and im always on my last semester. what remains to finish is a recital and my thesis. I feel so tired doing things I dont like, which is my music composition the recital. It is just a music composition is something that has to be honest from the person itself, but my...
  14. Maria2120

    I feel the most lonely I've ever felt.

    So I guess this has to do with family, friends and relationships. I'm one of the younger people on here and I just want to know I'm not the only one who ever feels this way. I've been doing so well. I haven't SH since thanks giving day. I honestly thought I was doing okay. But now I feel this...
  15. GoliathQueen

    I'm still suicidal

    I've been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder about two years ago and now my psychiatrist said I'm also bipolar. He prescribed Sodium Valproate and I think it does help in stabilizing my moods. I can control my urge to cut myself. But now I feel down most of the time. I feel empty and...
  16. Rockclimbinggirl

    Wishing that I was dead

    I am wishing that I had a way to end this all. I know that suicide isn't the answer but I really don't know what else to do.
  17. RubenH95


    Hi there, I need some advice on my situation. I get these thoughts of self harm randomly when positive things aren't going well for me such as my relationship. I feel trapped sometimes and alone. My two bestfriends hardly speak to me and never give me the help I need, to where as they make it...
  18. Dante

    This is too much.

    I'm just about used up, I have nothing left to keep going, im not just reflexively wishing for an end to it all when things are particularly shit, and im not just faring tomorrow, I actively dont want tomorrow to come, I want it all to end today. When I think about the future I know only 1...