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  1. Raven

    When they tell you how they're feeling...

    (Maybe triggers) Here's the background: Because of the coming September 10th (the Teachers' Day in my country, teachers were celebrating), all the students in my school had to study without stopping for about 6 hrs. That was a painful experience with difficult math problems. btw I remembered...
  2. Rockclimbinggirl

    Wellness Recovery Action Plan(WRAP)

    WRAP is a plan that helps you stay well on a daily basis and spot early warning signs that you are headed into crisis. http://mentalhealthrecovery.com/wrap-is/ Has anyone gone to a WRAP group and created a plan? I am interested in going to a group, as I have heard a lot about it from a peer...
  3. Rockclimbinggirl

    Memories keep coming back *may trigger

    Why do they keep coming back. I do not want to remember more. I hate the sensation of wanting to flee yet being frozen at the same time. They are making me anxious and making me want to self harm.
  4. C

    Learning about my triggers

    Ok so I learned something about myself in the past year and I wanna let it out here about personal "triggers". People always tell me talking helps and it does but some topics upset me and it has a negative effect. I have social anxiety and depression so for me, if you talk about or pressure me...