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:( ...

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Just needed to let it out ...
We have a little cat and we found him an owner ... and tomorrow is the day we hand him over ...
I know we can't keep him, we already have 5 ....
But I am so sad about it ...
And these last few days I've been very busy with a project I have a deadline for, so I didn't spend too much time with him ... and now it's too late.
AWWWWWWWWWWW!!!! huney.... i know its hard.. if u can ask the owner if u can pay him a visit after a while just once...
since u have 5 more.... concentrate on them and think how u can be a better parent for them...
The owner lives outside the city, the distance is too much, and we don't have a car ... so I quess that's it ...

Kittie, Fender :hug: :hug: :hug:


Well-Known Member
Most of my animals friends are adopted or rescued and I know how it feels to wish we would care for them all. I've gotten much better at it but it still pains me. So long as the kitty has the kitty has a good home that's what matters.

Mia :hug:

You are right, the important thing is that he will have a nice home. I am happy about that.
I don't look forward for tomorrow tho ...
Forgotten_Man said:
That is sad... it is always hard to give up kitties.... but at least you don't have to worry about becoming so attached.
I already got attached ...
And this kittie ... he is not so fortunate looking ... and for some reason that got me even more attached ...
I wish we could keep this one ... but we already have too many ...

cyesisdemorte said:
the five you have love you :)
Well I hope so!
Hey everyone!
Just wanted to say that the kittie is still here, there were some transportation problems.:D
I am soooooooo happy about it! I will have him here for a little more! :biggrin:
:bounce: :loopy: :weee:
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