9 months tomorrow.

Sa Palomera

Well-Known Member
I still miss you, Sarah.

Yesterday I was deleting some old pictures off my computer and I came across a few pics of you. I just sat and stared at them for a while. So many thoughts going through my head then.

You were an admirable, loving, caring young lady. Mature beyond your age.

Thank you for everything you've ever done for me. You'll never be forgotten, sweetheart.

I love you.


~*Mod Extraordinaire*~
Staff Alumni
SF Supporter
I'm sorry est :hug:

I hope you'll be ok. We're all here for you xx :rose:

R.I.P sarah


Staff Alumni
In your memory she lives. Hold on to those memories and celebrate her life rather than mourn her death. It is okay to miss her. :hug:

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