* My bitch of a mother made me go to Tesco with her and all the effing time we were there she was picking up food and shoving it my face saying "Will you eat that if I buy it?...Will you eat this?...Choose something" * I just wanted to SCREAM at her to fuck off and leave me alone but she kept on and on and on and then all the food was just swimming around before my eyes and her voice went all funny and then I blacked out right there in the middle of the effing cereal aisle* And they called an EFFING AMBULANCE * I mean, FFS, and they carried me out to the ambulance with EVERYONE staring and did some tests on me * And then they said they wanted to take me in and my mum wanted them to aswell but I said no and basically had a tantrum of gigantic proportions (like Nikki off Big Brother) and I think it embarassed my mum because she said she'd take me home and then take me to the doctors tomorrow*And she basically lectured me all the way home* SHE lectured ME * It's her fucking fault * I told her I didn't want to go with her but, oh no, she had to MAKE me * And there is NO FUCKING WAY I'm going anywhere tomorrow * Not to some dickhead doctor and not to some shitty supermarket so she can just fuck off*