Mia i just wanted to remind you why i think you are admirable.i know you sometimes get down on youreself because you think others dont like and/or disagree with you. well i am here to remind ya why i think youre great. i admire you a great deal not because you are strong or because you are sweet (you are both) but because of youre determination and attitude about life.not many people are like you.you will always strive to do the right thing whether society agrees with you or not.if you believe what you are doing is the right thing you will do youre best to continue at it and strive to get others to do the same.what i see in you is a person who will always work hard to help society change for the better. you are a person to look up to not because you are strong but because you try to make the world around you a better place by example.you wont accept anybody creating strife for thbose around you. you do everything you can to make youre own life better and those of youre family whether you succeed or not isnt the point its the fact that youre personality shows the determionation to never stop being the person you are. you wont back down or weaken yourself to conform with the way others think things should be yet you are always there to listen as well.you truly hold no judgment against anyone no matter what or who they are you always listen to there whole person not just the one they are portraying at the moment.we havent talked very much but i see these things through youre threads and from when i have been in chat i see how you affect people by example.as i gave said before it is refreshing to see a person like you in the world.i know you have you have youre own problems and issues but how you work through them is what i have written about and i think you are amazing!!