my family is driving me nuts! i hate living with them! well, not all the time, but a lot of the time i would rather have a giant spider crawl on me than stay with them. my mom and dad constantly try to guilt me into things, my sister, who is older, thinks she's my mom and so therefore tries to boss me around. my two youngest brothers get into my room and ask for my stuff and they wake me up and stuff like that. and i get lectured for my other brother's mistakes. what is fair aobut that? i just want to get out of this. maybe if i'm dead then i will get some people from them. but if it doesn't work, then i will have to face them with them knowing what i did... i don't know if i can do that.... i just don't know.... ir eally think i do want to die.... but..... AAARRRRGGGGG!!!!