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Again at the psychiatrist


Well-Known Member
On Monday I have an appointment with a new psychiatrist, after years without going to one, the main reason is insomnia, I am getting worse and need help.

I will also discuss my serious problems with socializing and my suspicions that I may have Asperger's.

I am very nervous the truth.


SF Supporter
Hey, it’s okay to feel that say — a very normal thing, as far as I’m concerned! And just look at it this way: at least you’ll be taking one step in the right direction towards getting to the bottom of whatever problem, or problems persist. . . Lastly, you probably already know this - but the more open & honest you can be (& I know it isn’t easy!), the better it will be; in the sense that it will be making his job easier to do: which is to help you. I have found it better to either not answer a question I’m uncomfortable with - or take as long a pause as necessary before just saying something that may be regarded as , “filler,” or worst of all “lie,” or be “deceptive.” : )


SF Supporter
And I’m guessing what s entirely possible and likely to happen, is that throughout this initial session, it may settle or sink into you, that this is really not so bad at all... And that you can do, and get through this (with much more relative ease than you perhaps previously had thought!) -


✯✯ Heart of an angel ✯✯
Staff Alumni
SF Supporter
Best of luck, I hope you get the help you need. Write down your thoughts on a notebook before the appointment and bring it with you so that you do not forget to bring up something important 'cos it might take you X time to get another appointment. Please let us know how it goes for you. Fingers crossed. 🤞


Ninja of light
On Monday I have an appointment with a new psychiatrist, after years without going to one, the main reason is insomnia, I am getting worse and need help.

I will also discuss my serious problems with socializing and my suspicions that I may have Asperger's.

I am very nervous the truth.
I hope they figure it out.


Well-Known Member
I already went to that appointment, they are going to send me a different medication while they do more tests.

I have also told him about my problems to socialize, I have always believed that I could have Asperger, and it is curious that without telling him about my suspicions of being able to have Asperger, he has started asking me questions about symptoms typically of the syndrome, most likely, I will receive a diagnosis on Asperger.

A diagnosis will not change anything, nor is it curable, but at least I would like to have an answer to many things about how I am.

Innocent Forever

Staff Alumni
SF Supporter
I already went to that appointment, they are going to send me a different medication while they do more tests.

I have also told him about my problems to socialize, I have always believed that I could have Asperger, and it is curious that without telling him about my suspicions of being able to have Asperger, he has started asking me questions about symptoms typically of the syndrome, most likely, I will receive a diagnosis on Asperger.

A diagnosis will not change anything, nor is it curable, but at least I would like to have an answer to many things about how I am.
It helps to understand the what and the why.
I'm glad he was helpful

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