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Well-Known Member
he came back tonight.
Less than two hours ago.
he hit me real hard.
he kicked me in the stomach.
i told him he got me pregnant.
he asked if i wanted to try again.
look i never wanted to try in the first place.
he tried again but got distracted by the dogs barking.
Scared of not just him, but me to.
gotta hurt to make sure he doesnt come back.
hun you know what i think about this, and i really think you should do what i said, whats to stop it next time? what could of happened if the dogs hadn't been there? you need to stop him


Well-Known Member
i have rang Yarrow Place
rape crisis line in Adelaide
not going to hospital or police
cant leave until daylight
have to keep doors and windows locked
this is my only lifeline until tomorrow


Well-Known Member
yeah why not
the police didnt get him last time
why would they get him this time
if its the only way to stop him
then it is what i have to do
so your gonna get yourself in trouble with the police and proberbly end up putting yourself in prison for the sake of that waste of space, earlier you agreed to look into a restraing order but know you wanna take it into your own hands


Well-Known Member
i know your right
i am just thinking out loud
i know what i need to
im not going to do anything silly
i'll talk to someone tomorrow about it
good, just think before you do anything, you know you dont need any more trouble with the police than you've allready had, its not the answer, im here for ya ok? :hug:


Well-Known Member
hun, you DON'T need to commit suicide

please, please, ask someone to stay with you, who can protect you from him (a friend, mother, brother, any other relative)
I really worry about you :sad:
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Well-Known Member
rachypooh said:
he came back tonight.
Less than two hours ago.
he hit me real hard.
he kicked me in the stomach.
i told him he got me pregnant.
he asked if i wanted to try again.
look i never wanted to try in the first place.
he tried again but got distracted by the dogs barking.
Scared of not just him, but me to.
gotta hurt to make sure he doesnt come back.
He tried again and succeeded,i thought he didnt but from feeling, and bleeding he succeeded.
he had a knife aswell, held it to my throat.
I told my aunty but she wanted me to talk it all out, i couldnt open up.
Been cleaning me, all day, cant get clean, house is mess. cant get clean
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