Hey sweetie! I'm glad I was able to help somewhat...just wish I could do more, because I know that regardless of what I have said or may say from here words can only do so much...and they definitely can't bring back Alex, which I'm sure you want more than anything right about now. But what I can do...is sit with you...reminisce about the wonderful person we had an opportunity to know...and become frustrated over thinking of what could have been yet to come from the friendship but that we'll never get to experience... Most of all, I'll always be available to remind you that you'll never have to suffer alone with this.
As for your mixed feelings...sadness, anger, rejection, resentment, betrayal...whatever it may be...just allow yourself to continue to feel these as you have every right to feel as you do. It doesn't mean you love him any less, or that you and/or Alex are bad people. Neither of you are, ever were, or ever will be. I'm sure that you get angry at yourself for getting angry at him for leaving you, but Lyndsey you are allowed to be angry with him. I'm sure he made his decision knowing that along the line those he cared for the most would feel some sort of anger for him doing what he's done, because he knew what the thought of losing those he cared about himself did to him. He'd want you to express yourself to him...so allow yourself to do so. It only proves how much he meant to you...otherwise you wouldn't suffer as you do. It's going to take time...likely a good amount of time for you to be able to sit back and think about Alex without shedding the tears, feeling your heart break, and struggling with the aching, nauseating feeling in the pit of your stomach. The grieving process in itself sucks...and when it's mixed with a loss that resulted from suicide it only makes it that much more confusing, aggrivating, and intense. And to make it even worse...there's no set time for grieving...each of us does it at our own pace, in our own order, and in our own way...so just remember to please be patient with yourself along the way.
As for suicide being selfish...I'm not sure about that altogether. Sure most people would say it is, but I'm not totally in agreement with that. In some ways I'd have to say it's a selfless act as most individuals who attempt suicide focus on themselves last, and are more intent on finding a way to rid others of the pain, disappointment, and disgust they believe they cause others by continuing to exist. Even though their vision may be distorted...a lot of people who attempt suicide will point out that they are doing it to save others from the continued pain they cause in their lives...without thinking twice about what they themselves may be missing out on in the long run. They often put themselves and their own needs aside and last. But for those who are survivors of suicide, meaning those who have lost loved ones to suicide...feeling angry at the person who committed suicide is not selfish either. Of course you saw what he couldn't see within himself...you could look ahead and see a bright future for him...you could see the options he couldn't...and you had the hopes for him that he could only dream of having for himself. And you are entitled to be angry for him not giving himself a chance. It's all understandable, and not necessarily selfish at all. Now I'm not promoting suicide or anything...just guess I needed to say that for some reason. Not even sure if it makes sense...if not sorry!
Okay...have rambled enough again. Just really want you to know I'm still here for and with ya! You need anything, just yell! I'll be around.