Always look on the bright side of life

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Ohhhhhhhhhh!! I FORGOT about this one! Thanks for reminding me :biggrin:

("life's a piece of shit...when you look at it...")

I'm going to put this in the 'Joke/Funny' thread right now - and then watch the whole thing! Thanks again!!)


Hey - What? Are your fingers broken?? :biggrin:

You can add it too! (but if you don't, I will...)

* * *​

Oh NOOOOOoooooooooo!! Now the Lumberjack song is playing over and over in my head!!!!
(I have chronic SSIB - "Song Stuck In Brain")
Hey - What? Are your fingers broken?? :biggrin:

You can add it too! (but if you don't, I will...)

* * *​

Oh NOOOOOoooooooooo!! Now the Lumberjack song is playing over and over in my head!!!!
(I have chronic SSIB - "Song Stuck In Brain")
LOL if you need more SSIBs, I have much links for Weird Al Yankovic songs! :laugh:


LOL if you need more SSIBs, I have much links for Weird Al Yankovic songs! :laugh:
Oh PLEEEEeeeze!!!! Have MERCY!!!!! :awww:

(hey - post those TOO! You got "Hooked on Polka" in there?? My ex and I played that at our wedding as a joke - a very European wedding - no one noticed that the LIVE band wasn't playing anymore. We busted a gut!! Deep Purple's "Smoke on the Water", one of them, played on an accordian!!)



HAHAHAHAhahahaha!!! Ah - memories...! :smile:

(I meant - post it and the other in the Jokes/Funny thread!!!)
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