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Well-Known Member
Not that anyone cares.. But I am angry. That rarely happens with me. Mostly I get hurt sometimes annoyed or irritated but I am actually angry and getting angrier. :rant:

Edited to add: I've never known real anger till now and I'm angry enough to go punch my bag.
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i care! maybe you should take out your anger in punching a pillow or something, i usually do it to doors but iv really badly bruised my hand doing that twice so i wouldn't recomend doors! lol, try a pillow it may help to take it out on something that wont hit back! you wanna say whats got you angry??

take care

vikki x


Well-Known Member
Talking about it only makes me angrier but i am gonna go out to my gym and punch my bag for a bit till I fall down in tears. I will say it's mostly having my pain ignored that started it all so once I let out this anger for a bit maybe crying will help me feel better. Thanks!

I can't channel anger either Mia, I have never been able too, as a result, I am a very detached person in real life, I've been told I rarely show emotion...

As you said this is the first time you've ever felt anger, so I doubt you'll get as bad as I did. To vent, you can try what was said in the post above mine, by Vikki, and punch things, but I heard a better way was too go for long runs, and vent under your breath at everything and anything that pisses you off.

EDIT- Missed your second post, reply to that below.

That is a good way to vent, and yes, crying is supposed to help vent... good luck.

Mia i think its a very good idea to go punch a bag at your gym, it just helps get some anger out. Also what One who listens.. suggested about going for a run is a very good idea, it may help you get alot off your mind, and running tends to help for get things at least for a little while

vikki x
Huh?That's how you feel angry>>Let me tell ya sumthng...Juz kick a chair or smash ur mama's wretchd vase..I tell ya,u'll feel sumthng,dt 'brutal' sense of elation...:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
If you refer to the sense of power you get then I relate that to how I feel at the firing range when I go shooting. But in all honesty I've witnessed murder and violence and horrible abuses to such a degree that that side of me only comes out when I am trying to protect others. This is the first time I've been angry like this over something that has happened to me. But yeah I did imagine certain faces on my punching bag. lol. Sounds evil and I guess I'm somewhat evil myself but it felt good. I did the same thing while hammering nails once. But that was over someone else being hurt and I imagined it being the little heads of the one who hurt these kids.



Well-Known Member
Hmm well it is good to know what anger is that way you can control it when the time comes.

It is ok to be angry and sad, though people will tell you otherwise.


Well-Known Member
No zura it's all right. I mean some people see me as sympathetic and some don't but I became what I had to to survive. I imagine you are doing the same. If I'm wrong I apologize. Feel free to share how you feel on it.



Well-Known Member
Wow! I don't know why it's coming out now but is sure calms me down being able to talk about it. One of the things that works me up so bad is when I tell someone I'm hurting and they brush it off like it doesn't even matter. It's like I need someone approval to hurt. All I ever wanted was for my pain to be acknowledged. Not dismissed. It is there from very real experiences and very real feelings. Sorry for the random change of subject but it feels so good to get this off my chest.



Well-Known Member
Forgotten_Man said:
Hmm well it is good to know what anger is that way you can control it when the time comes.

It is ok to be angry and sad, though people will tell you otherwise.
Thanks for saying that Forgotten_Man. I agree and it's good to hear soemone else say it. Ignoring anger is very bad thing to do. Mostly I just get hurt and all I want is the other person to acknowledge my pain and appologize. I don't get anrgy at people very much unless they hurt someone else and even then it isn't that common but when I do get angry people treat me bad like I shouldn't be doing it. And even more they get angrier and hateful themselves and they are preaching at me. I miss chatting with you. I doubt I'll be in chat anymore but maybe in messenger.

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