anna nicole smith? od or suicide

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Antiquitie's Friend


Well-Known Member
She has been on pills for years. Remember how screwed up she was doing that show she had?

I would say unintentional OD. For sure.
I would accidental OD. Although suicide is an option, especially as she didnt seem happy and the death of her son could of affected her very badly.


Well-Known Member
Accidental OD, but I think Howard K. Stern provided the drugs for both Anna and her son Daniel. I think he wanted them to die so he could claim some of the money for himself.
It is sad to think that her life has been reduced to rumors and speculations. It seems as though noone cares about Anna Nicole Smith the person, only what they can say about her. Is this what lies in store for all of us? What a shame.


Antiquitie's Friend
I agree with peanut, I think Stern is a bad influence/guy all around. He gets involved in their lives and they die. Too weird if you ask me.
I also feel bad for her mother; even if they had bad events between them death changes things. Many families are dysfunctional, but there is still blood ties.

But overall, I feel sad :sad: for all involved, especially the baby. She will grow up reading all this garbage and not having a mom to love her. I think people should think of the future. You don't have to think of material goods and fight about money before she is even buried. :rip:


SF Friend
Staff Alumni
There is a wonderfully descriptive word for this (german): schadenfreude. I hope it's spelled correctly. It means to take delight at the misfortunes of others. It's a crying shame that our world seems to be coming more and more this way, instead of the opposite.:sad:



There is a wonderfully descriptive word for this (german): schadenfreude. I hope it's spelled correctly. It means to take delight at the misfortunes of others. It's a crying shame that our world seems to be coming more and more this way, instead of the opposite.:sad:


I love the German language:

"Ich habe nicht hoffnung und ich wil sterben" = I have no hope and I want to die.

A true speaker of German would probably slap the hell out of me for bad grammer and misspellings, but I was born in Dallas not Berlin.

As for Anna Nicole, yes her death was tragic due to her young age and her status as a mother but in some ways it is still hard to completely empathise with her. Unless I am mistaken, she was for the most part, extremely wealthy and she squandered her fortune on being a party girl of sorts. She acquired her wealth by falling in "love" with an extremely aged billionaire who was little more than a living corpse. I could be wrong but her motives appeared to be a little....predatory ?

I'm not saying she was a bad person but she gave the appearance of being a very, very superficial person. Definitely a Material Girl. If nothing else her premature demise illustrates that no matter the method, suicide, homicide or natural causes, death comes for us all.
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Well-Known Member
I think accidental OD. She did seem to genuinely love her children, I think she wanted to be there for her baby girl and didnt really want to kill herself...but the pain she had inside was just way too great. She couldnt deal with her sadness, couldnt function unless she was completely pilled up. Its really sad...she HAD to make herself numb to deal.

This is all just my opinion obv.
Delibrate OD due to the loss of her was simply too much for her to take, and I can only imagine what the pain must be like losing a child..especially since everything indicates they were so very close.
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