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Anyone waiting for a miracle moment?

Ok. ... so we are all on this site because we are or have been suicidal. Is there anyone else out there like me who is waiting for the miracle moment when they wake up one day and are actually happy that they woke up? Not expecting to get that in the form of a medication, though that would be nice, but maybe just maybe some day it will happen...is it wishful thinking?
Right now the only thing keeping me here, as I have said a million times, is my real fear of hell and the destroying of my family...plus realistically I am too much of a wimp to kill myself.

Holding my breath

SF Pro
SF Supporter
I’m with you on this one. Always disappointed when I wake up. Although actually getting to sleep is a small miracle as well. *sadhug
Same here...toss and turn for hours sometimes yet still thrilled when it is time to go to bed
I’m the same. I go to bed quite early knowing full well I won’t sleep. But at least when I’m in my room I’m away from everything else.


Well-Known Member
Ok. ... so we are all on this site because we are or have been suicidal. Is there anyone else out there like me who is waiting for the miracle moment when they wake up one day and are actually happy that they woke up? Not expecting to get that in the form of a medication, though that would be nice, but maybe just maybe some day it will happen...is it wishful thinking?
Right now the only thing keeping me here, as I have said a million times, is my real fear of hell and the destroying of my family...plus realistically I am too much of a wimp to kill myself.
I pray for that..to wake up and feel okay, live life. This is hell..I hear you. Here if you need a chat...Ellie


SF Supporter
yeah hoping for the miracle! but more like an epiphany (maybe). there is a dream i have and it seems like in a very short while it will come true. but there is still a road block. can i break it down? it does seem possible. i think i need help though. does that take it out of being a miracle or would the help be the miracle? my “suicide” is self harm! that is how a psychiatrist described it to me. and as i see it, the miracle will actually end the self harm like its the only way i will be successful so why can’t i take that step. i can see that it really is a simple step to take but i’m still hesitating. so yup, hoping for the miracle....


Well-Known Member
I am not waiting for a miracle moment. The only thing that keeps me alive is the fear of the afterlife like going to hell and endure far more suffering. I am just waiting to end this life naturally as soon as possible. It is irony that there are many people who want to live as long as possible and that are trying very hard to escape death.On the other hand, there are suicidal people like us who eagerly wants to die but death refuse to come to us.


🔥 A Fire Inside 🔥
SF Supporter
Hun, I can relate, but that's very unlikely to happen. It's not something that occurs overnight. It takes years of effort to change one's entire thinking process before they actually wake up and feel happy (or even content). Truth is, once you get to that point, you probably won't even notice the difference right away because of how slow of a process it is. That said, I wouldn't recommend doing nothing and simply waiting for something change. By doing that, you're not only setting yourself up for disappointment, but also wasting precious time to actually make the effort to change.

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