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anyone wanna make my pancakes tomorrow?

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I know it's a "quarter, half and one" recipe, but I too can't make pancakes. I do, of course, presume you mean the English variety of pancakes.


Well-Known Member
My boyfriend is taking me out for a pancake dinner at his church tomorrow...I am so happy about that! :D

I cant wait...if i didnt have to go with him, i would make them for you!

But have you tried getting a box of the mix and going by that...the ones that are pre-made do require some mixing and adding of stuff...

are you going from scratch???

Love BP


Well-Known Member
I can give you the recepie how we make them where I come from and describe how to bake them and stuff, but I'm too far away to actualy make them for you :unsure:


Well-Known Member
if only i can find your dark corner i would be able to make them for you???

i have no clue why this is happening...

is it a pancake day or soemthing???



Staff Alumni
u can have some of my pancakes if u like, we make pancake pie, its layers like this: pancake, meat sauce, pancake, cheese, pancake, meat sauce, pancake, cheese :drool: :biggrin:

BrokenPieces, its pancake day tomorrow - 28th Feb
I personally don't see what's so special about it... it's only pancakes. I can live without them and to be honest i'm not a big fan of them anyways. So yea, maybe i'm one of the minority.
Bunny said:
pancake, meat sauce, pancake, cheese, pancake, meat sauce, pancake, cheese
*shudders* :D
I'm kinda too far away too...sorry hun :hug:
I'm sure you'll do well if you try to make them yourself, though :) Get Robin to make them for you!!! :D

(I thought people in the common room were just randomly talking about pancakes, being me I didn't realise tomorrow was pancake day :laugh: ) Oh well.


Well-Known Member
Bunny said:
u can have some of my pancakes if u like, we make pancake pie, its layers like this: pancake, meat sauce, pancake, cheese, pancake, meat sauce, pancake, cheese :drool: :biggrin:

BrokenPieces, its pancake day tomorrow - 28th Feb
Okay I didnt know about what the special deal was with it! lol My bad!

My boyfriend is making me pancakes that is what he said he was doing!

Love BP


:what: you mean to tell me there's a pancake day????? no one told me there's a pancake day!!! how could i live my whole life without knowing there's a pancake day!!! i am such the deprived child.

i love pancakes ^_^ any kind, from any country, if is pancake, i will eat hehehehehe is one of the four main food groups... along with marshmallows, chocolate, and ice cream ^_^ what more dya need? :biggrin:

if i knew how to cook i'd make some for ya, i buy mine at restaurants lol that way i dont' have to deal with a stove :chef:

i hope you find someone to cook for you, if you do, send them my way when they're done ^_^

Pancake day is always a Tuesday... think it has something to do with lent... and then tomorrow is Ash Wednesday... we have an assembly for Ash Wednesday tomorrow.... miss out on double math.

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