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Well-Known Member
my last assult was three months ago and i feel pregnant as a result.
i went to the police on thursday and reported it and it was the first time i had actually re lived all the details, well all i could remember.
i have been through assult, abuse, rape, beatings, two miscarriages. i am trying to deal with it, by talking it out but my mental health worker has lost the plot and is leaving in two weeks.
shit i dont know what to do about that anymore, there is no more counsellors at the hospital, so im stuffed


Well-Known Member
my name's Mio, I'm from Russia, nice to meet you.
I'm sorry you feel so bad :sad:
I don't know what to say... but I know what abuse means...
if you ever want to talk or something, you can pm (private message) me.
If you don't mind, I'll pray for you.
Jesus loves you and He has a new life for you. He healed me. And He has the power to heal your wounds. I believe in Him.




Staff Alumni
welcome to the forum

what u r going through is so difficult.. but you are right..talking about what has happened can be like opening a door and tossing away the pain, shame and weight of the attacks.. please hang in there.. and post as often as you want.. can you see a doctor .. or psychriatrist.. or some one to take up the slack of loosing your worker...

hugs and hope...
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