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August Healthy Lifestyle thread


To Wish Impossible Things
SF Supporter
Hello August :)

Well with lockdown snacking (and drinking) and giving up the ciggies the weight has piled on over the last few months. I'm now the heaviest I've ever been. My joints are starting to hurt and I'm not 100% sure I'm not beginning to waddle *shy

I couldn't put it off any longer so the diet started yesterday. So far I'm so hungry I could probably eat my own leg ;)

What are your healthy targets for August?


Pink Sponge Winter Queen 💖🧽⭐️👑
Tysm for the tag @Sunspots & for opening this thread for this month! :)

I can definitely understand about the weight thing, same for me pretty much (have only been maybe 5 pounds more than what I am right now before but then ya that's the most I ever weighed) :( Feeling quite bad about that but trying to stay more positively focused and remember that the main way I lost the weight last time was just by eating a lot less and a lot healthier, it did not really involve much exercise at all.

This time I think it would be better if I did have that as part of it too though cos then things will be more toned which always looks better. Going to try hard to at least lose 5-10 pounds this month or if that is too unrealistic then at least 5 pounds this month. Wishing lots of positivity & good luck to you and everyone else who is trying to lose weight or whatever other healthy changes they are trying to make, we can do it! :) *hug*hug*hug


I'm still trying to get my endurance up. The distance between my parents' house, and my old place with Jessica is about 7 miles and, when I was younger, I could jog that without any real difficulty. Right now I can't walk more than 2 or 3 miles without feeling like I'm at my absolute limit and anything faster than a brisk walk will have me keeled over dead before I pass two stop signs. So, every night, I'm walking increasingly larger circles around my neighborhood.

Food-wise, I'm not putting a ton of thought into it. I don't really do meals and tend to just graze on whatever's around me all day, so I've just started making better choices about what's around me. I keep lots of water and unsweetened iced tea and fresh fruit nearby. If I have a craving for something else, I don't deny myself, but the fact that I'll have to leave the trailer to get it means I'll probably put it off until I don't want it anymore. The occasional actual meals I eat are mostly the same, but I don't think they were the problem.

I'm counting quitting smoking as a success. I still sometimes reflexively reach for one, especially right when I wake up, but there haven't been any real cravings since I had my "last 2," which I didn't even really want once they were lit.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the tag and for the thread @Sunspots. My goal is to lose just 4lbs. I've been walking every day, sometimes twice a day and averaging about 9-11,000 steps. Don't know if that is good or not but it's a lot for me since I mostly sit around. So I've been doing a load of walking and cutting down on my biscuits and chocolates but I can't cut them out because my willpower is nearly non existant. So I got on the scales on Monday and I haven't lost a single solitary pound. I felt like throwing in the towel, cried to myself in the morning. My goal is to get into my white trousers. Then I thought sod it, I'm wearing them anyway so I have been. But totally and utterly fed up that I've lost NOTHING. In fact, I've just made my knee worse again. So I've cut down my goal from half a stone to 4lbs because that will be a miracle in itself. I know I have to give up the sugar but it feels like my body is craving it and fighting against me. So fed up. Haven't quite given up yet though.


To Wish Impossible Things
SF Supporter
I'm doing the LighterLife plan. It's a very low calorie meal replacement plan. No food, just 4 sachets of mush/shakes a day. Total calories of 600 per day.

I am such a terrible dieter, I cheat constantly. I'll always up the amount a bit or add in a bit extra because "it's only a little bit, it won't make a difference." But with this I don't have the opportunity to cheat because I don't prepare any food - just add water.


Well-Known Member
Don't give up @BlueGreen. Weight loss is weird, some weeks we seem to do everything right but don't get the results we should but the next week it might catch up with us.
Thanks @Sunspots. I'm trying not to give up because I put on weight so easily now and it's SO hard to lose. I do feel a little better - I put it on around my waist and hips - but it's so frustrating to have only a few pounds to lose and them to make so much difference. I'll literally have to buy new clothes if I put on any more. God, I wish I could stop eating altogether, it's like my body is possessed and needs chocolate to survive!! I guess it's to do with my age and I suspect it might be also that my blood sugar is a bit high and that somehow is preventing my body processing food properly?? I'm not sure but it's really weird that I haven't lost anything.

That sounds like a good way to get around the cheating.

Sassy Cat

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I'm doing the LighterLife plan. It's a very low calorie meal replacement plan. No food, just 4 sachets of mush/shakes a day. Total calories of 600 per day.

I am such a terrible dieter, I cheat constantly. I'll always up the amount a bit or add in a bit extra because "it's only a little bit, it won't make a difference." But with this I don't have the opportunity to cheat because I don't prepare any food - just add water.
600 calories is not enough food *hug*rant


Staff Alumni
SF Supporter
Didn't reply at the time but I've been meaning to. Thanks for the tag @Sunspots

Ok anyway, so pretty much where I (used to? we'll see....) work had all my gym facilities (plus a bunch of other centres included in my staff membership). I've just signed up to a new gym and I'm going to be hitting it up this morning, I've packed on the pounds during lockdown, so it's going to be so nice to actually hit some real weights, rather than like 30KG worth of weights in my back garden :D...

I'm actually really excited... 'kin ell, I hope I haven't lost too much strength...

and remember that the main way I lost the weight last time was just by eating a lot less and a lot healthier, it did not really involve much exercise at all.
@JMG I think that's a very important thing to remember, we can exercise all we want but I've always heard stuff like "You can't out train a bad diet" or "diet is way more important than working out ever will be".
I'm doing the LighterLife plan. It's a very low calorie meal replacement plan. No food, just 4 sachets of mush/shakes a day. Total calories of 600 per day.

I am such a terrible dieter, I cheat constantly. I'll always up the amount a bit or add in a bit extra because "it's only a little bit, it won't make a difference." But with this I don't have the opportunity to cheat because I don't prepare any food - just add water.
I think when a diet seems extreme and unbareable, that's where a lot of people yo yo... Have you ever heard of intermittent fasting before? there's loads of people on reddit who've had really really good results from it and it's not much of a chore to do either... It's really simple to follow as well.


To Wish Impossible Things
SF Supporter
I think when a diet seems extreme and unbareable, that's where a lot of people yo yo... Have you ever heard of intermittent fasting before? there's loads of people on reddit who've had really really good results from it and it's not much of a chore to do either... It's really simple to follow as well.
Yeah. I lost 4.5st some years back doing LighterLife and I kept it off for several years with fasting two days a week. But when the depression got bad I took my eye off the ball, ate crap (and too much of it) and now I'm back to where I started. I won't be able to keep this up long term as it interferes with life too much. I've got a few things coming up by the end of the month and into September where I know it won't work so at that point it'll sort of slide into intermittent fasting naturally.

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