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Back Again..

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i was hear a fews months ago, and am sorry to say im back i have no idea why im depressed and always thinking of killing myself. life seems great from the out side i have a beautiful gf, many friends, my family love me but for some reason that just doesnt seem to matter i dont know wats wrong with me...


The biggest loser ever to live.
I've always wondered about that, people like you having these great things but are depressed for some other reason. I'd kill to be in your situation. :sad:

You sure you have no idea why your depressed?
I am sorry that your depression has gotten bad enough you felt you needed to come back, but it is great to see ya back. I hope you stick around this time, and remember that you aren't alone anymore.

If you ever want to talk or need to talk, I am here you can PM me or my msn and yahoo are in my profile, you can add me if you want. :)

:hug: :hug:

You take care and keep the hope... ;)

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