My life turned upside down in the past month. My best friend of three years broke up with my for a local cop named Jason. I bought this girl everything she ever wanted. I would have layed in front a bus for her. But some dickhead local cop with his fake ass limp dick took her away from. I hate those dousebags. But I cannot do anything about it cause he's a cop. She left me cause I work out of town all the time and work alot of hours.
I quit my job because she was the only reason why I was working. I was trying to save up alot of money so one day we can get a house and start a family.:sad:
I've been at the bars ever since and just wrecked my nice Jeep the other day falling asleep at the wheel. Thank god I was alone....I dont need to hurt anybody else. My parents are striahgt up druggies(herion) and dont say much to me. My mom laughed at me over my g/f breaking up with me. I was just trying to talk to somebody.:sad: I'm acting normal to everybody cause I'm supposed to be a man and hide everything. I ate 2 Oxy's the other night and drank some Blacktooth. My room mate called me an ambulance and they pumped some shit into me. They were asking me what I had and said I just drank to much. Asking me all these questions and I was like let me go. He came home at 3 o clock and said I looked like a ghost.
That didnt work so I'm going to take my car out for a ride right now and slam it into a poll doing 160. That should settle it.
Oh I have to go give my buddy my gun collection first. Can;t forget about that and write a letter to my dearest lady.
Thanks for reading, I know talk is cheap but I just wanted to say something.
I quit my job because she was the only reason why I was working. I was trying to save up alot of money so one day we can get a house and start a family.:sad:
I've been at the bars ever since and just wrecked my nice Jeep the other day falling asleep at the wheel. Thank god I was alone....I dont need to hurt anybody else. My parents are striahgt up druggies(herion) and dont say much to me. My mom laughed at me over my g/f breaking up with me. I was just trying to talk to somebody.:sad: I'm acting normal to everybody cause I'm supposed to be a man and hide everything. I ate 2 Oxy's the other night and drank some Blacktooth. My room mate called me an ambulance and they pumped some shit into me. They were asking me what I had and said I just drank to much. Asking me all these questions and I was like let me go. He came home at 3 o clock and said I looked like a ghost.
That didnt work so I'm going to take my car out for a ride right now and slam it into a poll doing 160. That should settle it.
Oh I have to go give my buddy my gun collection first. Can;t forget about that and write a letter to my dearest lady.
Thanks for reading, I know talk is cheap but I just wanted to say something.